Okay so anyone who's ever read one of these-check that, one of mine knows the drill: Read,ReRead, Read again...Understand
The method of thoughts, memories, past, present and future are common. What's not common is the practice...The things that we think about are often a combination of things that we've experienced, are experiencing or have yet to...Confused? See the first line above....Now that I've gotten your attention...
So I'm sitting here and thinking about dreams..My dreams, the dreams of others around me and the dreams of those who've accomplished what they've dreamnt. My dreams (and you may laugh, also in no particular order): I want to enterain millions of people and take the burden of everyday life out of there lives if but only for a moment, I want to be known for doing something that helps others without ever having been asked or recognized, I want to contribute to the future of people in general(not just here in the US), I want to be know as The Sexiest Man Alive(Scratch that..I already am), I want my words to be an inspiration to others like me and my actions to be judged only by those who themselves have preformed the same acts, I want everyone to understand that it truly is okay to be you...not normal because in this day and age no one you know is NORMAL...I want exceptance no matter the curcimstance...I want 6 Degrees of Seperation in a positive light...Lastly, and it may never happen..I want to sing. Yep Sing and I have no voice at all, but I still...
Funny thing is...I live my dream everyday and go about it in a variety of ways, not always successful but I keep at it. That random guy who holds a door, strikes up a conversation, asks how he can help then fades back into the shadows..ME...
Now those are my dreams...To all of those who read this..What are yours?? And are you willing to do what it takes to reach them, no matter what they are and whether you've ever told anyone or not?? I'm far from perfect, and I'm not trying to preach at all...just giving the world another part of me. Is a part of me crazy for doing so?? Perhaps, do I care?? I could really give two, not one...Two shits.
As always and I may never know why(or care to), but TY B.
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