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Showing posts from January 25, 2009

Hint: Start from the bottom Right.....

Do You Understand Its Meaning? :si noitseuq eht ,elpmis si egassem eht syawla dna niagA .tey tem t'nevah uoy nosrep eht rof gnihtemos od dna uoy ot txen nosrep eht rof gnihtemos oD .seripsni daeh ruoy ni thguoht tsrif taht si ti tahw od dna BOX THE OF OUT STEP ot sdneirf ym ,ylimaf ym ,sredaer ym uoy teg ot si sgnitirw ym fo tser eht ekil tsuj ,siht fo esoprup ehT .BACKWARDS IS THIS YES uoy fo tser eht rof dna...dlrow ym ot EMOCLEW nehT...urht emit tsrif eht ti dnatsrednu nac dna egassem cificeps siht gnidaer er'uoy fi...og nac sthguoht ym peed woh tsuj wohs ot siht etirw ot dediced I


It's crazy...this THING that is you, that is me, that is US. What is IT I wonder that makes us, that makes me, that makes you? That provides the sun, the air, the moon and the stars that are above. I know who created it, you know who created it. But are we doing with that "creation" all that was/is meant to be done?? Or are we simply ruining it by actions that were never really intended? Like the words that form in our minds at birth, the sounds that we come to understand the, actions that we begin to do we learn these things or do we already know them? For instance, we all know that the color blue when used a certain way describes the color of a picture, at the same time that very same word can have an entirely different meaning when used to describe ones' mood. But who decided first that the word "blue" was meant to describe the color of something as such?? Like what if the NAME for the color "Blue" were "Red" and vise ve...

A Simple Warning..

i'M writing this to let you all know, to warn you that something amazing is coming your way. This creation is/has been something that has building within me for quite sometime, how you will be informed of it depends on how much of an informed person you are. What is it?? Will you be a part of it?? Tons of questions have been asked and no information has been leaked(as far as I know). Are you all prepared to take the next step?? To truly change?? To work as a group rather than to work as an individual?? I wonder what is it going to be like, the day when the United States, our United States feels as one again. Not like a country of "Groups" or "Groups of Individuals"....It's coming....SPREAD the WORD!!! Until Then...

I Blame You Hattie Mea...

I blame you Hattie for giving me this life, why would you do such a thing as give me Long Beach, CA to call my birth spot?? Why would you marry that man who has that brain that now makes up parts of mine?? Why would you have another son before me who in his own way gives me advice in certain areas?? And that daughter you have...Why her?? Why give me a sister close to my age who has always shown me life thru the eyes of a woman that I can relate to?? Why is it that you've always been by me, to motivate, to parent, to teach, to guide, and to enforce?? How could you be the only person to truly understand me? Why is it that you are my path backwards into history?? My guide, my notebook?? I am what I am today and it's BECAUSE OF YOU..Thanks Really...I know the answers to every question above, even if no one else does. I know that unlike anyone else in this world, lottery or not it is I who is truly lucky. I blame you MOM, but I blame you in the BEST possible way, you may wonder why ...

scraps of knowledge: women

confidence. in one word, that is me. who is the guy that will tell your boyfriend to go fuck himself and that he dosent deserve a single thing in life, including you? confidence incarnate. im not big or "hot" as one giddy high school chick would put it, but i am just...cooler than those guys. thats me. the one dude calling you sweetheart real soft so your knees shake. HA. its always me. whats that? awwww, homeboy has a problem with me? why is a 5 foot 120 pound lady telling me this. all ive ever said is step up and swing...i bet you strike out, no dugout...emergency room. girls like to be special, and each one is in their own right. to understand is to achieve final victory in all that game you spit. careful though, say it dont spray it. experience trumps all. you can be Brad fuckin Pitt and still fail. never treat it like a game. dont keep count. never talk of one girl in front of another. any common sense rule you can think of...follow it. im not preaching to you, im not go...

My XLive World..

This isn't necessarily a blog but insight - For anyone who reads this and who doesn't play video games online these are my daily thoughts when I'm online: To all of you haters, punks, bitches, fags, and whatever other word that escapes my mind at the moment: FUCK YOU & Thank You..Fuck You because well you're all a bunch of idiots who do nothing for 8-12 hours a day sitting around talking about what you could be doing instead of what you are doing. You know exactly who you are...You're that guy who NEVER leaves his house unless he's getting something to eat or going to buy the next game, you're the guy that has no idea what an intellectual thought is. You're also the guy who depends on others to get you thru your own problems, it's funny to me how when you don't/can't understand your only reaction is to turn against rather than turn to. Like now you're reading this and saying "I think he's talking about me", newsflash I A...

When Greed isn't such a Bad Thing...

Some are motivated by the money, some by the power and others by the respect. But in the end we are all connected by the Greed..Simple really, you see for most of us the MOST important person in the world is truly ourselves. I consider myself to be my most important asset, because only after I am happy can I make others' happy..See where the Greed comes into play..Only after I educate myself, can I educate others and only after I secure my wealth can I provide with that wealth to others. Now in no way is this a "God Complex" as I do not nor ever will put myself before God, then again God is the Creator. He has created all that is before us and all that we are and in doing so he's created me. I find that to be one of the best things in this world, as anyone of us should. But why is it a problem then when we hear one claim himself to be the "Greatest" at whatever it is that he/she claims to be the greatest at?? Who are we as a group or as an individual to jud...

Randomly Sitting & Thinking...

Here's to self, life, fears, goals and judgments. Screw it if no one understands me, f--k it if no one cares...I plan to make something of myself in this world even if I go unnoticed. See my thoughts are inspired by the possibility of failure, why do something or take a chance on "The Sure Thing", when I can I reap higher rewards for succeeding where others have failed. I wonder what type of person that makes me, how my mind and thoughts are perceived...but at the same time I know that my words are never really clearly understood. Lol. I'm called a "blogger" now, but what was doing something like this called before the internet?? Crazy, high energy, boredom?? Or were people like me considered thinkers, genius, literal minded(if such a thing)?? Guess it doesn't matter now huh? See you've reached that point of no return, that point where you're reading this and wondering "where is he going with this?" the answer: No Where At All. But wil...