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Showing posts from February 5, 2012


As I told you, I need help with my if and when I start to trail off the subject or the words appear to difficult to exist, just remember that I told so.. Begin: Is it a test? Thought or Theory.  Is it a riddle or a clue? Three rules I apply to everything are: #1 Anything is possible #2 Proof is as equal to evidence as is 1 in value in terms of relevance #3 Not every rule written, is every rule true The only reminder to maintained are that #'s mean everything. Pushing aside anything allows one to overtake all the remains, all that remains is limitless, thus no limits to what one can do. Now if I were to pose such an idea in the form of philosophical question, "If you could have a sat down with the future would you ask about the past?", how would those who only live for the moment find the time to answer with questioning the reasons?