A Collection of Musical Thoughts: Anybody got a lighter or a match that I can strike ? I’ve got a few words to share, yet I’m sitting in the dark haven’t got a light..If you do, I’m gonna need it soon as I’ve just been told that my 3 minutes of stage time began 5 minutes ago, Hmm…is that why that guy keeps waving at me from the back of the room? I thought he was just trying to tell me that my time was overdue… I enter the studio every night just before midnight, I use the side entrance ‘cause I know that’s what she’d prefer. She’s my little secret and I’ll never let her go..all the other dudes keep tryin’ but I’m the only one that can get her to BLOW …I give her my all and will to my death just so that she’ll always know that she’ll forever be a part of my mind, body and soul. I don’t know where I'd be without here, she’s gotten me thru some of the hardest times, some of the strangest places and some of my longest nights..Damn with her I know what Love is ..I love he...
Twitter: @whossayingthis