If I told you what I’m thinking, could you paint a picture with the words I’m trying to get you to see?? If I handed you all of my thoughts & words in a bag, could you string together all of the nouns and verbs that I keep in my can of alphabet soup of love for you?? If I sung you the song that I see us dancing to in my mind, would you do me the honor of dancing with me in the middle of a crowded room??
These are my words, my thoughts , my feelings, my..PASSION…Is this what you wanted hear me say…I’m sorry I thought that look in my eyes and the way that my voice seems to get high pitched around you gave it away..
I’m going to try not to wreck this like a car spinning out of control in the rain on an abandoned street..But I want you to feel my rhythm, feel my beat, hear my voice as I shout, scream, yell and do whatever else it is that will get you to pay attention, I’m trying to tell you something here but you keep turning your back. Look at me, I’m talking to you..out of the 1000’s times that I’ve told you’ve only really heard me 10% of the time. Why is it now when I can do nothing more than stutter the words you were waiting to hear you keep walking back and forth steadily pacing. I can’t help it if the paths that I’ve taken lead me to onto the road that leads to your heart, a secret road that no others have taken..I’m not sure if it was the Garmin, the Tom-Tom or just the pure desire that I have for you, whatever it is or was I’m glad to say that I’m here now and well from the looks of it the bridge that I took to get here seems to have broken. The only thing left to do know is break out my flashlight and see if maybe there’s a sign or two to show me the rest of the way, if only there were a guide to help me..but guides are for tourists and I plan to stay around for awhile…I guess I should take out a snack and look for a good place to pitch my tent looks like I’m going to be here for a long time..hmm, I wonder if I can last longer than the last person here..shame what happened to him. I guess he didn’t have the WILL needed to survive like I do, would you pardon me for saying this but it feels a little cold here..cold and lonely..Good thing thing I’m here huh?? Oh look what I found..seems somebody left this heart shaped box here with not one but two locks, they really must not want anyone to get in there. Gotta be a key around here somewhere, let me check my pockets….NOPE..Hmm, what about in my bag? Shit, not there either…Alright..well damn..WAIT- I see a sign…It says “Only those who truly mean what they say will be given the key to opens the locks!”…Hmm, well I’m not sure what that means…DAMN GED
I guess there’s nothing left to do but give this a try:
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