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Showing posts from March 25, 2012

Dear Lord, A Prayer

Dear Lord, All know is all I ask, so question dear Lord what the fuck is happening to man? Dear Lord, Grant me a lifetime of freedom unhindered by the color of my skin, Black, white, or other I seek for all liberties all the same, In the name of Trayvon Martin I feel society is to blame, lax gun laws lead to murders everyday, cut police budgets lead to vigilante ways, and if them take the borders cartels will run our states leading to a war right here home that we may never win, I say enough with Repubs and Democrats only interested in pay, Greed is taking over, MAN WHAT HAPPENED to the theme? Remember Team U.S first before the money, cars, and rings? Used to be about teaching kids in school now it test 'em cause it's cheap, no one stops to listen unless it's the hot trend on Twitter, shared and liked on Facebook, dear Lord it's seems hell's gate we've entered...just I matter of time I guess until we all fall a...