I’m in “Recovery Mode”, read: So FN Dumb , then you’ll know how I feel right now and well…I like to vent my frustrations thru stories, here’s a story…let’s get!! I don’t know what I want to say, so I’ll just start guessin… Location: Downtown Los Angeles, Los Angeles,CA Time: Just after Midnight, Present Day 2009 Character Profile: Romy Maven 26, Single, African American(Open Role)Ladies Man/The “Guy”, Recovering Alcoholic..Divorced, No kids…Ex wife loves but hates him for sleeping with sister and clients, Co-owner of social networking firm .2Dot Inc. , Born and raised in Houston, Texas. Family Background: Father is a former informant for the feds, mother works in “office cleaning”…You know what…yada, yada, yada, either I’ll come back and finish this part or I can just say I came up with on hell of a segway for: -Understand Slang to Understand the Story- Romy(speaking in a calm tone): “Look, I’m sure than we can figanutha way ro...
Twitter: @whossayingthis