I’m in “Recovery Mode”, read: So FN Dumb, then you’ll know how I feel right now and well…I like to vent my frustrations thru stories, here’s a story…let’s get!! I don’t know what I want to say, so I’ll just start guessin…
Location: Downtown Los Angeles, Los Angeles,CA
Time: Just after Midnight, Present Day 2009
Character Profile: Romy Maven 26, Single, African American(Open Role)Ladies Man/The “Guy”, Recovering Alcoholic..Divorced, No kids…Ex wife loves but hates him for sleeping with sister and clients, Co-owner of social networking firm .2Dot Inc., Born and raised in Houston, Texas. Family Background: Father is a former informant for the feds, mother works in “office cleaning”…You know what…yada, yada, yada, either I’ll come back and finish this part or I can just say I came up with on hell of a segway for:
-Understand Slang to Understand the Story-
Romy(speaking in a calm tone): “Look, I’m sure than we can figanutha way round this here. Be koo, dawg..Miss me wit all dat bullshit(his southren roots coming out), then . A, all I was I trying to say was it’s not my fault you lost…I tried to warn you when you were running your mouth.”
-Moving thru all the people in build, who were dancing…The charismatic aroma of a strawberry hookah, afloat in the place. A dimly lit bar, on the corner of Hope St. & Dream Blvd. A “quiet” hot spot in L.A. if one can imagine there really being one of those, good & bad trouble a frosh look from one to another.-
Ya dig? [_] IT..
“Do you know how I would’ve reacted to something like that in the past? Mayne, If I hadn’t quit the drinking and running behind these ditzy broads, doo, I’m telling you…Write a note..That nigga’d been done..”
Jimmy 22, the “bummy” rich kid, a “new money” import from Ohio. An obvious “wanna” be reject from society. Always blaming the “Man”, while living of his mommies bankroll.
Jimmy: “But Roms, you just broke a guys arm and knocked out a bouncer.” What the fuck? Dude How the? …How the ?…How the fuck is that staying calm? You can’t be serious right now, with all that “patience is a virtue” bullshit. Yeah, ‘cause that’s like the best way to not stay calm.
Romy: “Nah, that was me keeping the situation under control while you sat over in the corner trying not to piss yourself. You looked like a Jewish guy at Toll Booth.(Laughing & in sarcastic tone). I didn’t want to see you cry wittle buddy. You Bitch!!
Jimmy: Seriously dude, what’s wrong with you…Hold on, hold the fuck up….For the last time dude,I’m Greek…Get th-
Romy: Nah dawg, you’re white. Accept it, I have..By the way, I think maybe we should get back to running…
-Running down the back alley, fleeing both the cops and the guys chasing them…Light from the cop cars mixing with the headlights of the car load of guys also chasing them..-
-How they got into this mess is answer, the question that remains is how the fuck did they get into it in the first place.-
Rest of story still, half-pending…
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