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Showing posts from August 16, 2009

So, “I’ve Lost it”

And the FINAL MISTAKE that you will make _ . W…Figure that the fuck out. I hope this doesn’t embarrass you too much. I could’ve said your whole name, but um..yeah I have a feeling that you’ll know who you are. I think I’m still being “kinda” nice. You know what? YEP..FUCK THAT!! Dude are you serious?? Check it out…Everybody including you E-Dub..Pull up a chair. I must’ve lost my MOTHERFUCKIN mind if I thought you knew m3, I must’ve lost my MOTHERFUCKIN mind if I thought I gave a fuck. You obviously DO NOT KNOW M3 & I WON’T SAY IT: BITCH, ooopppss..I guess I did..Now ya know why I never get mad… I’m Amari and yeah NOW you know me. Fuck putting the 3 in, dude who gets mad?  How could you know that I have a special way of venting?Didn’t you know? Bullies don’t have feelings sweetheart, “feelings” are something that I like to call a “character” and well as you can see from my writings, I’m plenty good at changing those...I have P/L/E/N/T/Y of that..that character..I mean…FEEL...

So…My “Sex Ad”

Check this out…so what if I wrote & posted a “Personal Ad”…I wonder what I’d put… I present to you… My SEX AD 8-Inch Dick is worth $1 Million Dollars seeks good time, what you get out of it could last anywhere between 1-Minute & However-long-you-want-it-to. It's big, thick and it satisfies. Matter of fact it even comes with a CONVERSATION [ON] OFF switch. Before, during and after, conversation about any subject you choose,whenever you chose. My dick is so good that it even comes with a "Relationship" Offer. It’s drug and disease free, Magnum Required/Lubrication Optional. I'm so nice that I'll even given you a 7-Day Trial Offer, no card or coupon needed...just be willing to put your heart & your feelings  on the line. Understand that you are also prone to and not I can be held liable for: Sweating, panting, screaming, yelling, biting of the lip and in most cases orgasmic euphoria. The last part comes with a “second chance” guarantee. If I sh...