buy bī/ = [By Definition] Okay. Alright. So-so-I-may-I might-I could another thought: I really do believe that ones future can only be broughten forth through the path that ones imagination investigates. And that deep with the spirit is where ones truest passions reside. So okay I may not be perfect, I'm still me though. So yeah okay, I'd agree if you were to ever say that there are many decisions that I've made in the past that I should regret, not be proud of, embarrassed about, or fear to be known, but to be bluntly honest with you in the same breathe I'd tell you that I wouldn't have had it any other way. To be tried, to have failed, to toppled, stumbled and to have fallen is such a blessing to me. Has, is and forever to have proven to be exactly what I've always matter how much I thought otherwise. Didn't matter how strong I was, if I didn't recognize where I was weak. From taking too much of the pl...
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