*TURN THE PAGE MUSIC OFF & ENJOY* Gather around class…Look a fight just broke out, seems like that man Will has been provoked once again(Why? Why would you do that? What’s wrong with you?)…dude you know what? In third person, from me..my brain and this page: Who the fuck?? Do you think you are…lol…I laugh as you sit there: UNDERSTAND THIS….YOU’D BETTER NRAEL to understand…that what K<- to U is what I think, all I’m telling you is what is on my mind…Did you get that? I know,sometimes, some of the things that I think come out a little weird…well..except…FUCK YOU!!! A maestro with words…ABCD---->FUCK YOU, I’M GOOD AT THIS! Maybe, just maybe you should take a @^@ at your work before you come this way - www.Visit RichmondVA .com - CAN FUCKING HEAR ME NOW ?? Words, words, words and I say them all on purpose…How’s that make you feel? In just a few words not only have I exposed you you , I got you to expose two other . So glad that no one ever thought to le...
Twitter: @whossayingthis