14,324 Days and Counting... For every eighty-six thousand and four hundred seconds I'm given, I swear to God that I'm living like breath twenty-nine thousand and ninety-nine is my only limit. Truth is just about anything and everything I've been through, is anything and everything that I've made it through. No shame, no secrets, no regrets, just living proof. Truth is I know I'm known as I'm a hero to a few, known as a villain to a few, and nothing more than just another nig ger to 'em all. Still me with the scrapes and the scars. I used to have a lot of money, I used to have none at all, I used to live in a big fancy house, I used to live in a car, I used have a storage unit full of finer things only to watch it all get auctioned off..leaving me with nothing more than memories of what used to be and insight that what was once could with enough effort be once again, but only if its value of need trumped its feeling of want. I used to have close frien...
Twitter: @whossayingthis