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Showing posts from September 4, 2011

What is Love/Goodbye

I ask- What is Love? Whatcha know about love beyond bond when things change,  When the hard rain comes, are you down enough to remain?,  What is Love,  Is love strong in the face of all disaster acting as a shield to shield lovers from heartbreaks pain,  as its written is as I how I say,  how I prove it, love, is no game,  What is love? What is Love? I loved her more in the morning love than any man could in their lifetime, like three days grace, she was a gift from the above in the chess game of love she played the queen to my knight, build a fortress by a lake I just might’ve had my queen not slayed me past fortnight, killed by her the one I wanted as my wife- Whatcha know about love beyond bond when things change, When the hard rain comes are you down enough remain, What is Love She keeps a smattering of torn hearts, scorned lovers, and missed connections, scattered across globe like a broken heart...