This is for those who want to know if it's worth taking a chance on me, written raw without editing, just a random thought that if worked on I could/may turn into a full novel:: When timmy was 8 years old he got a dog,but not just any dog this dog was special. This dog, timmy called "snots". Snots was a mixed breed dog a "mut" as we call it, patchy in color with big brown eyes. From the day that timmy got spot he carried him everywhere, if tommy went into the living room so did Snots, when timmy wanted a snack there was Snots sharing a snack with timmy. Timmy spoke to Snots and about Snots as if he were a a big brother talking to a little brother, as Snots got a little older and a little bit bigger he found himself still being carried and taken everywhere that timmy was, on those cold rainy nights there under the covers keeping each other warm, when timmys parents were having problems Snot was there and sadly when timmys parents had to sell there house due to t...
Twitter: @whossayingthis