The high and ever rising price of oil and thus the price of gas is but enough to drive a person mad, while big corps watch from the windows of their offices fresh suit & tie they laugh. Just as politicians are content to sit hold counsel behind closed doors, drafting unwritten agreements each planning to do very much in the way of forever achieving nothing, yet place blame on each other when questioned by the voting public. So quick they say , “it’s the Presidents fault,” so quick to quick to tear him down, expect “his people to lift him up. I’m wondering WHAT THE FUCK? The fate of man has truly gone off course, no matter the color of skin it appears that each day more and more people are losing their jobs, even teachers. The numbers of those who fail to posses the proper education and skills to fill the openings available are growing, while others with talents beyond that of many are constantly being overlooked. But everyday a new ‘g’ is being added by cell phone provide...
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