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Showing posts from April 18, 2010

End of the Line

Where are you? Where have you gone? Why have you left me here all alone? Will you ever come back? Those are just a few of the questions that I ask myself each day that I open my eyes. WHY CAN’T I THINK ANYMORE? WHY CAN’T I UNDERSTAND ANYTHING? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? WHEN WILL IT ALL CLICK AND MAKE SENSE AGAIN? WHEN WILL MY STRUGGLING END? WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL LIKE EVERYONE ELSE? WHY AM I SO AFRAID? WHY AMI SO ASHAMED? WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE I AM CONSTANTLY ALONE? WHY DOESN’T ANYONE CARE? WHEN WILL SOMEONE LISTEN? WILL ANYONE EVER UNDERSTAND? My head is so full of questions, that the answers themselves are invisible… I can no longer continue to live my life the way that it is, and so I choose today, this moment, this time to put an end to way that it is. I’m tired of having to explain what I mean in order for other people to understand, I’m tired of trying to be what people expect while at same time failing to meet overall expectations. Tired o...