What is Love?
Whatcha know about love beyond bond when things
When the hard rain comes, are you down enough to remain?,
What is Love,
Is love strong in the face of all disaster acting as a shield to shield lovers from heartbreaks pain,
Is love strong in the face of all disaster acting as a shield to shield lovers from heartbreaks pain,
its written is as I how I say,
how I prove it, love, is no game,
What is love?
I loved her more in the morning love than any man could in their lifetime, like three days grace, she was a gift from the above in the chess game of love she played the queen to my knight, build a fortress by a lake I just might’ve had my queen not slayed me past fortnight, killed by her the one I wanted as my wife-
Whatcha know about love beyond bond when things
When the hard rain comes are you down enough remain,
What is Love
She keeps a
smattering of torn hearts, scorned lovers, and missed connections,
across globe like a broken heart bandit,
little miss
hop in heads pop in beds throughout the planet,
strictly platonic at first leak toxins of love when emotion gets added,
of inner desires often on display but I bleed my feelings off the record,
minds surely find themselves mired in a relapse of the finer times,
zone of
nothingness unlike none few shall ever find she was like an angel that fell
from heaven-
she was my
motherfucking blessing,
so hard to
cope without hope,
now I'm
sitting here tying knots measuring out ropes, and writing this final note, read
aloud and hear me clear-
Whatcha know about love beyond bond when things
When the hard rain comes are you down enough remain,
What is Love,
love strong in the face of all disaster aim as a shield to shield lovers from pain,
its written is as I how I say, how I prove it is no game,
What is love?
“Yes I got
your message and I'm replying right now,
When I
received your text, I did not know how to respond. It was so cold without any
emotion it was clear that you never gave a fuck, I felt like you were just trying to save face
instead of saving us, It felt like I meant nothing to you, I was just another
fuck, so instead of getting into a battle of words I decided to respond not
all, what's the use in asking questions if the questions lead to more,
you were so
busy trying to save face that you decided to throw the relationship away. I may
not have known much about love but I knew that I could not save the
relationship alone. I was also not willing to let someone lie to me to my face while
their face told the truth. So while pride may very powerful and perhaps, if
neither of us had pride, then our relationship probably would’ve lasted. But as
it stands at this moment, I’m just inches from a casket..”
Whatcha know about love beyond bond when things
When the hard rain comes are you down enough remain,
What is Love,
love strong in the face of all disaster aim as a shield to shield lovers from pain,
its written is as I how I say,
how I prove it is no game,
What is love?
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