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So, “I’ve Lost it”

And the FINAL MISTAKE that you will make _ . W…Figure that the fuck out. I hope this doesn’t embarrass you too much. I could’ve said your whole name, but um..yeah I have a feeling that you’ll know who you are. I think I’m still being “kinda” nice. You know what? YEP..FUCK THAT!! Dude are you serious?? Check it out…Everybody including you E-Dub..Pull up a chair.

I must’ve lost my MOTHERFUCKIN mind if I thought you knew m3, I must’ve lost my MOTHERFUCKIN mind if I thought I gave a fuck. You obviously DO NOT KNOW M3 & I WON’T SAY IT: BITCH, ooopppss..I guess I did..Now ya know why I never get mad…

I’m Amari and yeah NOW you know me. Fuck putting the 3 in, dude who gets mad?  How could you know that I have a special way of venting?Didn’t you know? Bullies don’t have feelings sweetheart, “feelings” are something that I like to call a “character” and well as you can see from my writings, I’m plenty good at changing those...I have P/L/E/N/T/Y of that..that character..I mean…FEELING..

Feelings are something that can be controlled, changed, and adjusted with nothing more that a simple thought..There I go being a nerd again..I guess that answers the riddle..The reason I have small ears is because my dick and my brain are so B-I-G. I’ve gotta say that’s one hell of an exchange. The ego is a burden, but the ability to understand people, the willingness to serve and the nonchalant way that I go about everything in life..Well those are just things that I’ve practiced over the years. See while you’re up there ruining your mind and your body in such a toxic fashion, I am enjoying life and dare I say it: I do daring things. It’s not called “crazy” when you think ~Y~ [~Y~]..It’s called Creative Living and in this down economy, political craziness, and war torn society..I happen to think that I’m doing JUST FINE. You were talking “Lost It” from a mental standpoint right?

I think that the best thing for you to do…would be to continue practicing which direction that Nova Ring is supposed to be inserted…Because right now…You’re like a bad lawsuit waiting to happen as a result of pregnancy, some contraceptives should come with “audible instructions” or at least there should be a “how to” video somewhere online(I should too). So…yeah..I’m still not mad yet..By the way, does this mean that I can’t call that 800 Number and get a discounted bed pillow? If so..that sucks..I thought we were like BFF, except..well let’s be have a HORRIBLE ATTITUDE…your friends on the other hand..what’s my word: PHENOMENAL…well my friends..I’m claiming them..

Like the filter on those Camels..I hope that I did not just “Crush” you. I only mean all of this in a nice way. Believe it or not..this is my nice way of telling you that the only thing I will not EVER, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE allow someone to do(other than touch me..I mean who goes around touching people? If you do..STOP..STOP IT RIGHT NOW! lol)is question the level of my sanity..Are you serious? I told you to ask about me, I even gave you the #’s. PPPPPSSSHHH -The sound my lips and tongue make before I say: Again, do you NOT know who I am? I might not be famous, but um….I’m Amari..that at least makes me..Numbero Uno when it comes to being U/N/I/Q/U/E. I’m so laughing right now, you’re funny, I thought I was funny..but NOPE!

Why get mad when I can easily come up with something so RIDICULOSY funny in a matter of minutes. I’m not crazy chick..I’m just Psychologically unfair & you’re psychologically unbalanced…I’m like Rubix to your Blue’s Clues..No videos today, use your eyes:100_0424 < That’s why I got the tattoo on my arm…Find m3 a better reason. < That’s what I believe in..believe in it so much that I sat there from start to finish and didn’t move a muscle.

You bleed for what you love. Lost my mind?

100_0495 , If you look close enough at the picture…you may just see that there is a God in Heaven..Look past me and into your own beliefs. I say whatever the F-U-C-K I want, about what I want, when I want. God’s got my back oh anI know a few dudes who get the job done, I’m never worried…Why else would someone like me think that they could make a friend wherever he goes. Check my travels.

“Lost Mind”-That’s for people who don’t know what they’re looking for, I’m always planning ahead. I plan so far ahead, certain things are like re-runs to me. My only problem isn’t that I’ve “lost my mind”, my problem is that I get so caught ^ trying to help other people that I sometimes tend to forget who the fuck I am. Thank You .2.…ooopss..did you really think I’d give you the honor of saying your name..Get the fuck outta here... I hope you’re not mad at m3…L-O-L It’s a joke..Get Over It! Kinda like how I got over you…what’s the word..ah yeah…IN A FUCKING INSTANCE..LIKE

Alright one video..but hey what can I say? I knew this post would leave someone needing to listen to..oh look I found one with words:

Anything else you’d like to share with me? I mean…now that the world knows that I’m not crazy…Sorry friend..I’m gonna need that Rock kcab, this friendship is over. What left do we have to say?

For everybody else…I’ll be your best friend..I’ll do anything you ask and it looks like a spot in my heart just opened up. Help, Advice, Fun, Stories, Friendship, Bond, Trust and in some cases Money are all things that I’ll happily give away or do for free…My heart on the other hand…ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK & my mind..Bro…lol..test that theory if you MOTHERFUCKIN’ WANT 2...


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