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In Part, A Theory

Okay so as you can see…I’m always trying something new..Yeah I know…”yada yada yada Amari, everything in your world is just fine” …

What you didn’t think that I didn’t know what goes thru your minds? Really? Hmm..It’s called eye contact for a reason motherfucker, yes I AM PRETTY FOOKIN’ GOOD…NO MOTHERFUCKER DO NOT L@@K M3..

I’m not going to be fucking nice right now, Saturday is “Kick Knowledge Rocks Day”…so bring that brain over here and lemme kick some knowledge in it. Or how-the-fuckever your supposed to say that. Friday Fucking Fun Day is over, on Saturday i, we, me, us, him, and them just sit around, read some books, do some studying and yeah whatever the fuck-else-ever wes do. Fix that fucking sentence too.

So it’s Saturday and before I get to whatever I’m going to talk about, I’d like to send a LAICEPS SHOUOUT to myself..”Hey Self…”, “Self Yes”, “Hey yeah self, FUCK YOU”, “Hey now watch it, “Nah..Hey Fuck THAT” “Now you watch your mouth” “Yeah, you watch yours”  …NONONO NO..NO FUCK YOU..NOT M3, H1M, 0r 1…BUT YOU as in: EVERYONE WHO READ THAT…SEE IT’S BECAUSE YOU ALL WANT TO BE AMAZED & WELL I’M SOMETHING LIKE THAT…So L-O-L

Anyway, I’m really supposed to be doing my homework for my class, but I’ve been so busy doing absolutely nothing, slacking off or and loving it that well..I’m still trying to figure out how much longer I want to procrastinate. I’ve been did all that traveling for no reason, staying up late, living out in the boonies and learning on my own, that I kinda(kind of..meh), lost sight of my course due dates. That fucking sucks, and it hurts because I put in my best effort to give my worst effort. Let’s be serious…it’s a class about grammar, punctuation and the proper use of spell check. In addition to that, my professor is the type who probably failed the very course he’s teaching..TWICE..or at least that what his history and works would suggest. To be honest, once I came to the conclusion that my professor was/is an idiot..or how you say..My professor lacked the necessary intellectual capacity, mental agility, or educational resources that were necessary to accommodate a student such as myself, it’s either that or he’s even lazier than I am..Who knows..maybe someone will ask that question on a survey.

Hmm..I guess now is about as good as time as any to tell you that, after the first week I did the math and well..I’ll take a C, hell I’ll even take a C-…I’ll just get an A+ in all the other classes…How’s that for making a (73)…I’ll get that work turned in when I want to. I’m the T.O. of this classroom, that bell will ring when the fuck I tell it to.


I’ll back-fill for ya….=/- I started this class five weeks ago ENG121: English Composition I and for the most part, I was really-really excited, I know @^@ THAT and all that, that’s how I felt…so happy that I had to come ^ with a @---- way the say, even with Iv\{_}IvI13125..I love grammar and punctuation. I love it so much that as you can @^@ from another noitartsnomed the English language is the most diverse language in the world. Had a dumb professor who pissed me aoff and so I’ve spent the past 5-Weeks working on a  Another “Crazy Theory” …Of course I’m not stupid enough to give you the entire theory at this moment(over 25 Pages and I don’t think I’m creative enough to get anyone to sit that long).

Commercial Break(Grab a snack, a drink):

Last night I showed you how music, the human mind, and the simplicity of the English language allowed me to imitate two of the worlds best rap artists. I  attempted to show how words flow naturally hand in hand, at any speed or tempo to music, as rapidly as it is thought, the only governor to that speed, being the muscle structure of the human jaw bone, which as of this moment  does not have the enough strength built up and muscle memory movement stored, thus disallowing the words in my head to flow out of my mouth as swiftly as I’d prefer. I will continue to practice and tweak the approach/technique as to finely tune and hone my skill. I also hope to show, that given the proper environment(an place to chill, that provides comfort and relaxation), a place where stress is removed and one feels at peace. Given that environment, I believe that one can just  about anything in the world and can do so in half of the time.

Without notes, with or without detailed reading, “glimpsing”, as I call it, where you merely skim each chapter and only read what applies, if it applies. “English”, A language that once was marveled, is now just thrown around like yesterday’s news. 140-Character Conversations, Status Updates,Texting, IM’s…is this how we talk now? Purely digital and fragmented? Aiight then.. Look at what we’re doing to our language and to our music America…BIRTHDAY SEX…’nuff said!

The English language can be transposed, probably the wrong word but I’m using it anyway. That’s how I talk, how I write, and how I interact with the world. I throw in whatever word comes to mind. Sometimes I do it on accident, but more often than not I projectile slang words and terms off the top of my piece like bit to a puzzle that fits sdrawkcab, just to see who if anyone is ¿uoıʇuǝʇʇɐ buıʎɐd and who is not.  I do that because I’ve noticed that over the past few years the thought of most people, many whom are successful, have gotten further ahead to where they are not by what they can do, but by what they say they can do, because of how &the way that they sound. Not just with words, but with body language, eye contact, all the way down to how a simply ‘hello’ letter is written. Not through the proof of actions, but my proof of mouth. Doors kicked open, it’s gotten so out of control that I could use a word like transposed, could or could not have been the correct word to use earlier.hmm...someone should pick up a dictionary and find out. I would but I’m too lazy to do it and well I don’t really give a rats ass about the definition, if I had to guess I would like to  think that transposed means “to be used, flexible”, again someone find out what that means…oh and when your at it can also look ^ the definition for the word that defines it, and then the word that defines that, oh….WAIT…WAIT..WAIT..Dude..before you do that…before you waste all that time(trust me I know, I’ve done that)…before try to Google or Bing it, I’ll tell you that there a 73 total words to define the word transposed, being since I’m so technical I’ll also tell you that – the duplicate words there are 49 total words that you would need to look up. A whole lot of math I me<---Look at that. “lol” a word word used by millions of people the world over. Where’s that LOL when it comes to our National Healthcare…Yep that’s right..I just went there, DETOUR ON THE WAY TO A THEORY:

Really, how hard is it for the everyone---REPEAT---EVERYONE to receive equal Health Care?

Gender, Age, Preference*you know what I mean =)~*,Economic/Household Status, and what not. Putting all of that aside, how hard is it to see that everyone in the world get’s sick, the amount of money you make, wether or not you’ve served or GREAT country, whatever your family name is, nothing matters when it comes to getting sick. Allow me to introduce to you:


090805_LandonDonovan_h.hmedium.jpgLos Angeles Galaxy forward Landon Donovan tests positive for swine flu 

ANYONE can get sick, my first example show that enough money can in fact cure just about anything, the second shows that sometimes man ca’t figure everything out, and the third shows just how important and useful prior history and experience are. Equal Health Care..Wouldn’t that be simple solution? Perhaps too simple, and CHECK IT—>Before you try to come at me with numbers Left Wing…Dude, 49 total words…Who the FUCK DOES THAT?

I did numbers on this as well….> Flat Tax Gasoline…$2.75 Rg,$2.85 Mid, $2.95-$300(You can afford the car, afford the gas); for 12-Months, just like an interest rate, a CD, Mutual Fund or Bond. For  one year everyone in The GREAT UNITED STATES Of AMERICA would have to  put themselves on a Gasoline Use Budget. Not only would that help our Economy, Emmissions would also be affected, this Cash for Clunkers thing would probably work better if you change the stipulations. Why not get every clunker off of the road? I have a car that I deem “Too Unsafe’ for my children to walk by let alone get in, uet I drive it everyday, can’t trade it in because well it has almost zero value, no one will steal me I tried that, I can’t burn it..although I think about it daily and when this “Cash For Clunkers” biz started I thought I finally had the chance, but nope…You see the Credit Market is still tight and well my credit isn’t exactly…’s more debit and cash. In addition to car doesn’t meet the specifications and fuck it, I ain’t gone lie..there were a a couple of months that I had to Park ‘n Ride, due to the lack of proper insurance, that modified intake & exhaust also make it tricky to pass inspection. Which is another thing..I’m past that point in my life..all the more reason why I’m ‘m begging the government to crush my this point I can afford to pay $100 Cash to see that.

  Car, truck, bus, van, anything that you own and put fuel in, think about it. Lawnmowers, on and on, if we all just stopped bitching for a fucking moment and for one year we paid a flat fee that could cut-back on the number of times that families would have to readjust their spending habits, the amount of groceries they buy, and other needs, amybe even afford to pay for health care..hello again…more numbers…Babies are born..EVERY..yep…in that time 2 just happened. word again…so..If you addressed the Medicare Budget, took the politics and $$ out of health care, what’s that word….REFORM, hmm..or  looked more into the interest of what is best/equal/fair for ALL instead of SOME. And for the love of ^_ ^ _ Flat Tax the price of gas for one year, then maybe, just maybe we can climb a little bit further out of the recession..ooops…or are we not supposed to tell anybody that it’s looking like the worst is over. Oh..wait..what was that? A  Super Max Prison in Michigan that being considered for housing some of the Most Dangerous Terrorists in the world..Oh..wait, seems you’ve all  forgot..Those dudes have been locked up for like..well since before…Barack Obama was slapping hoes on the ass with sugar canes…and come on now, we all know he did it at least once, I know I woulda been doin it. Hawaii…Man, we should all try to make it back out there one know…when we can afford to travel again…And I’m not sure what the shelf-life is for a Suicide Bomb, well not from first hand experience…I take that back…I knew this guy once and asked him about it..NEVER GOT AN ANSWER..

BACK ON COURSE and something about that theory:  Etymology suggests that a word can be traced back to Old English Terms…okay..well research and history also indicate that every word, no matter what the word is, comes from another word and from another language, as long have been words spoken, drawn, carved, written, sent via text, they been shared. The questions that I have and have yet to find the answers: What makes a word a word? Can the definition of a word be changed, altered, adjusted and or updated? How do you define which word  can define another word? Check this out…You can’t, the true definition of a word depends on the context and the subject in which one intends to use it. The word Red does not describe the color of something, say as in: The flame on the fire was red, so cavemen called named it red. It’s almost impossible to prove that such a thing was accurate, just like no matter how many times you read it, whichever version of it you read. Religion, religious or not. The only thing that God didn’t do was tell us just how words were/are truly meant to be used. And until someone can prove me it otherwise…I’ll continue to transpose these my words and the English language any fucking way that I want to. Now you TRANSLATE that SHIT!




  1. keep it coming.. you have made some very strong points.. maybe obama should have a sit down with you.. maybe then he might see all those around him dont know shit...


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