WHAT’S ^ ? Howyoudoin, My names: IRAMA & Here’s my sign:
I am what you would call an entrepreneur of sorts. Some people refer to it as being a “risk taker”, which to m3 sounds like a perception, and well..who really cares about that?
Given to some time to think about it….Tick, Tick, Tick…We all do, in manner of ways, consciously or subconsciously we think about and value our own self perception. Before you to start to think I’m crazy…DUDE LOOK IN THE MIRROR…Doooo It. I’m going to combine and talk about to two things that I value when I look in the mirror, not to justify who I am nor what I’m about, but instead, just to see if you can relate the two. It’s my bad day and I feel like venting. So if you can relate the two, then you well on your way to learning not only a little bit more about me, my friend you on your way to realizing your own best potential, thus driving you to reach your dreams,and knowing a little more about what it is that I do for a living, and how I “survive” using more than some life tips I know/have. I guess you could say that I live what I think for a living.
People ask me all of time how it is that I am able to do the things that I do, travel when I please, run a household and attend college full time, all while still having the time to have a list of hobbies. How it’s possible to manage a full schedule with enough time to rest & relax. Why is that I am at all times aware of just about everything that is going on around me, yet I’m still able to focus on whatever the task at hand is, or conversation that I’m having. As many of you know, I am a people person, I believe in having positive encounters with complete strangers, I’ve told you before..I’m a helper and I believe that the easiest way to meet a friend is to make a friend.
That’s what I do, to slow it down a bit..Dude, when it comes to people, I’m The Shit like…like..All night beer and fish tacos type shit…Like…Man, I’m so cool…I’m frosty even. It’s m3 who makes MY WORLD go ‘round. That doesn’t make me: Cocky, Conceited, Narcissistic, Self-Centered, or whatever-the-FUCK-else-you-call-it! Dude, seriously…that just makes me a person who values himself. I love m3 first, then God, then my kids, and so on. And before you jump my shit religious nut, it’s okay…He said we can do it, it’s even in the “book”…Come on, seriously..check it *Middle Side Note: AMARI READS EVERY BOOK, EVEN THAT ONE*…He’s good with it, I’m good with it, and you should be too…LET THAT SINK IN…
As you can see, I believe in being “CREATIVE”, that is to some and or to some degree. If that sentence doesn’t makes sense, well..maybe it probably shouldn’t, the point here is that you need to focus…What? Yeah, FOCUS..forget all that other stuff and listen…So I believe in being creative, it is the approach that I used to get you comfortable so that I could better understand you as a person and which is probably why you felt so comfortable around me and as result completely opened up to me in a matter of seconds, not minutes. True or Untrue?
What I offer is not a service, but is instead a helpful way of thinking. All that I ask is that you are completely honest and upfront, understand that I seek nothing from you, and I offer you nothing more than my friendship, assistance, and ideas. I’m here for whatever you should need, in a personal and/or in a personal-business manner. As opposed to being an “Personal Assistant”; I’m a friend, a confidant, a personal coach. Your confidant, Amari.
I have experiences in life that in some cases would be hard for you to believe, I am someone who has just about seen and just about done all there is to do in life. I know what it’s like to have nothing, I know what it’s like to have it all, and know and have lived just about everything that falls between the two, in and for a variety of different reasons. I have a superior level of knowledge in a variety of fields and a wide ranging skill set that can not be matched. As you can tell from this page or blog, I’m liable to say just about anything, but unlike most people that you know…I know when and where to say it. I know how you’re “supposed” to act in just about every situation, I know what to look for, how to look for it, and how to attain whatever it is in life. Just ask me and I’ll tell you, it’s a secret of mine and before you start thinking what I do for a living is stupid…Think about this…
You’re on this website and read this:
A) You and I & had a conversation and I you asked me what it is that I do for a living.
B) You read the tattoos.
C) You read it off of something I wrote on.
D) You read it somewhere else on the internet.
Reasons why you’ll bookmark this page:
A) I say some pretty crazy shit.
B) You did it on accident and now that you realize…-DELETE-
Reasons You Should Now Contact M3:
A) Because you’re ready to realize your own self potential.
B) For some reason you do actually like the sound of my voice.
C) To offer me some of your own advice/feedback.
D) To ask me just how easy it really is to make seven 0’s per year using nothing more than my mind.
Reasons You Should NOT Contact M3:
A) Did you not read “D” from above?
B) You doubt me.
It’s Monday and I’m having a bad day at work…Looks like I’m going to have to let go of a client…*GOOD NEWS* for you is it now looks like I have an [_
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