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Sit _ & Pick .M3. – (Part 1 of 2)

 Spazz Out & Dance with the world that’s what I want to do. I want to BOUNCE myself off the fucking wall right now..candy bars & S|||P|||A|||C|||E|||D out * Stars *   I swear my biggest phobia is people not knowing who I ARRRGH..Whatever…I see myself as myself standing on the edge of the false step off this ledge and I may tweak my ankle, which only cause a greater delay to  the start of this journey up the flight of stairs that lead to the door that opens the windows deep within the halls of my mind…Scratch that thought & scratch those words…”Nothing that I ever say is real, nothing I do means anything…”. Wait it…no…it does…How do I know? Hmm…Could be because I know that I make some of the words up as I go along…Huh? IT just said something to M3...something like “Boom Chooga-Wookie, Wiikiie-Wiiike Chill”. Laugh if you want, but that crazy little sentence is just another thing that keeps me chill. So chill should read “Boom Chooga-Wookie, Wiikiie Wiikiie Chill” out loud and see how you feel…Welcome, you’ve reached my little moment of calm. Use that the next time you stub your toe or get a paper cut….Meeting boring and you feel like falling asleep? Boom Choog-ahh you get it…

Today I want to talk about Goals…Goals to me are different from Dreams…See a goal to me is something that you have to work towards reaching. For example: Some people have a personal goal to lose weight, some also have a goal to learn a new language. I personally have a new goal and that goal is to understand a different religion. One of my current goals is to learn about the Mormon religion, not only learn it..but I want to understand it as well. I’m not committing to it nor will I be changing my religion to that. I want to know what Mormons are like because I told two Mormons that I know that I would. I’m going to learn about a type of “dot” that is different from me.  Just because I think that different types of “dots” are interesting…a different dot that like me is  rejected by society.  Did you know that just about anywhere in the world(well except in Utah) it’s acceptable to make Mormon jokes??  It’s okay to start to use a “Gay Mormon Joke”..It’s okay I know a homo so it’s okay for me to still use the word “Gay”..Back to the point…Mormons’ are constantly have doors slammed in their faces, sometimes they get lucky though, sometimes instead of getting a door slammed in their face, they get to knock on the door and hear the people inside sit quietly, waiting for the Mormons to go away.  We know that they play by a different set of “Rules” in Utah, we all know about the “Pick ‘n Roll” Stockton to Malone, the Salt Lakes and the snow.  But that’s what we know about the State, what do we know about the Mormons’ themselves? I intend to find out, it’s one of my new goals. Perhaps if I reach that goal I can add it to my list of “ACCOPMLISHMENTS”. 

Goals are sweet, you can make goals for anything, you can make them easy if you want , you can make them hard.  You can have as few many or as few as you’d like.  Goals play a key role in what motivates us…It sucks when we fall short of a goal though, especially when we find ourselves so close to reaching them.  When the goal is within our grasp, but it slips thru…we fall a  yard or two’s one second, one breath away.  Those times when we don’t make it to the end. That “Ugh” feeling…Gamers know exactly what I’m talking about, it’s that moment that causes you to drop the controller, when it just falls right out of your hands. Or like that letter that you were waiting for and when you finally get it, it’s filled with a bunch of words that turn your anticipation into rage…The crushing feeling that is felt when we fall short of a goal is immeasurable, nothing anyone says can even compare or sooth us for a little while. I find that those are the times when we need a little “Boom Chooga-Wookie, Wiikiie-Wiiike Chill”…


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