Let’s paint a picture with words, let’s use vivid colors to express what were thinking, let’s trace a little and draw an outline around how we feel, let’s use bright colors to shine in our happiness, let’s use dark shades to conceal how we feel. Today let’s not follow the "”rules”, today let’s paint a “word picture”…Today the pencils, pen and brushes will have no use. Today I’m going to attempt to paint 2 “mental pictures” and I’ll be doing that by telling you how I feel.
Here I am…Just about the “cross that line”…AGAIN… I saw the sign the first time..but I figured that ‘cause I’m M3, that warning was meant for others…Here I go doing something unpractical at a time when practically everyone is afraid of a peculiar fellow who practices staying perpendicular to the [_]…Right now I don’t know whether I should feel rejected, dejected, unhappy or upset. I do know that for some strange reason I’ve still managed to keep both calm & upbeat thru it all…I feel that some things in life are meant to happen, that some things are out of our control, and that in some ways out futures have been already been decided for us. I can’t help but wonder if some of the things that have happened up this point in my life could have been predicted by Nostradamus and I have doubt as to whether some of the things that I’ve seen and have been thru were anywhere within his realm of thought…Paint…Words…Thought…Colors…It seems that I may have lost my original point…as usual…I think I was trying to say that LOVE is mysterious, and yeah I know that I’m just now inserting the subject of LOVE, but if you just stop reading for a second and think about these two things “Paintings & Love”…your heart will allow your mind to paint a portrait in your mind…a portrait drawn without the aide of pens, pencils, brushes or paper.
A timeless picture painted using only these words: I Love You…
U should never give up on your words. one day they will inspire many.. i love you.