I’m no expert, I just tend to listen a little more than others…
You say that you’re “Feeling as though I am not one who is needed..”(Your Words), well I’ve got some news for you…You’re not…you are: wanted, appreciated, cared for and even thought about…But I think that you may just be a little too bottled up and enclosed within your own world that you are truly incapable of understanding what’s going on the world of those around you. It’s kinda hard to isolate yourself, your thoughts and you’re feelings from everyone else you know, yet expect them to know what’s going on inside…So it’s okay for you to push away, matter of fact we’re used to it by now…it’s okay for you to judge our actions and the things that we do, because some of us deserve that…it’s okay to say how you feel, but when will it be okay for you to HEAR what others’ are saying??
At least I am not afraid to live life, and I apologize if this hurts your feelings but this is what’s on my mind…Unlike you I will take chances in life, unlike you I like to have fun, I like to chill out, I like to drink beer and I like to meet new and interesting people..you know the things that you once enjoyed doing…Oh wait I almost forgot, you’re too busy for that..too busy to relax and too busy to have fun..yet there was a time when you found a way to make time for that. I feel that I must tell you that I don’t see you living very long that way…continue down that path and you may just find yourself on the floor with a stroke or a heart attack or even worse ALONE…So do this for me: STOP with the ANGRY FACE all the time(because your face may just stay that way), smile just for the sake of smiling, be silly, get stupid, cut back on all the soda(I think we both know you’ve had too much too much to drink) and stop with all those “snacks” a snack is meant to be small, watch those calories a bit and who knows maybe even do a little exercise because believe it or not there is a limit to just how much a man can take and I for one AM NOT AFRAID to tell you when you’re gaining extra weight and I promise to only tell you such things in a nice way(sorry, but I would hope that someone would look out for me like that) cutting back on all of those things can’t possibly hurt anymore than what you’re doing now…feel sexy(you should, I do)…go out and buy some new clothes(you deserve it), get your hair, nails and toes done(scratch that)..get your hair, nails, toes, and eyebrows DID…and while your at it…GET LAID…if not by me then please by somebody even if he may not be able to find the spot(sorry only a few of us are ummm…”equipped” enough to reach that spot) and if the current person you’re with buy yourself a *toy* and USE IT…kinda pointless to have one of those things and allow it to just sit around collecting dust in you dresser…share a fantasy or two because trust me..EVERY man alive loves to hear them, and we love it even more when we’re the one who has the honor/pleasure of making it/them happen.
Especially that one about -INSERT FANTASY HERE-
All in all I think I’ve made my point and to that I’ll say:
How do you know that you’re not needed, if you don’t take the time to share your needs?
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