It could be me, but I think we all need to STOP & TAKE a 2nd…
Check it - The Swine Flu or N1H1 is currently the “Thing” that has our nations full attention, it’s the new mini crisis and everybody is talking about it..The FUCKING FLU, man oh man…But this isn’t the first appearance of Mr. S (as I call him)…check your history students<1918> and you’ll see that we’ve been down this road..We are talking about closing borders, people are wearing masks, schools are closing, people are scared, and DAMN they even talk about it on ESPN..I think the “experts” or those we turn to for answers have the “Pandemic” estimated at a total of like 1500-1900 people MAX, I mean on the news today all they talked about was were the number “already infected”, which was 336 I believe(check that)…um okay maybe it’s just me and maybe I don’t have a heart but…Isn’t the Total Population of the United States ALMOST 392+ Million and growing by the moment?(and NO Republican, I did not count all of the illegal's why should I, they're STILL people too), Can someone please LEAVE A COMMENT and tell me the number of people who catch the “Normal or Regular” Flu per year and while you’re at it can you do me a favor and check your temperature…Hey WAIT – Flag, Hey what ever happened to Bird Flu? Anybody check on her and see how she’s been doing?? I haven’t heard from her since she went up to BOSTON to see that guy, something about her Massage Business she was starting…Some Dream Huh?…
And now I want to talk about what we should really be talking about, blasting on the NEWS, hearing in our ears, reading, seeing and just about anyway else to see the REAL SERIOUS THREAT…HYDROXY CUT has just been pulled from the market, IMMEDIATELY DISCONTINUE USE were the words that I just saw scroll on the screen. WTF?, Do you know how many people I know who use that, I know more people on HYDROXY CUT than I know who drink beer and just about EVERYONE I know drinks a beer, HYDROXY CUT is like the #1 Pill that our SOLDIERS take, I know because I bought the shit from time to time…Everybody does, women and men alike buy it to: Lose wait, to trim fat but also for the energy boost, help with working out, to stay awake…Man I knew a guy in the Army who was on a REGULAR Diet of Mountain Dew and HYDROXY CUT And check this out…'I know because I just looked on Google', HYDROXY CUT has multiple uses, dude you can use the shit to cut cocaine, yep I JUST SAID THAT, I just searched online and found that out…you can use a drug to make a drug, there are recipes on how to use this drug with the ‘Ol 420…WTF are we into…I wanna cover that a little more but I gotta move on to my Main Point, which I think is/was(just playin), that..Oh yeah(again off subject, but leading to this) --- A 19 Year Old Male has already died from this, and that is likely what prompted this movement by the FDA or perhaps it’s the amount of “quiet lawsuits" that have mounting up from those who in some way have been “harmed medically” by a pill that they were “assured” was meant to help them. Hmmm, every woman I know or have ever met takes or has taken HYDROXY CUT, I know because I’m noisy enough to look in medicine cabinets(oh shut up you do it to) and I’m concerned about what other people put into their bodies, plus it gives me just another thing to talk about, and I have a hunch that many of also know who’s on the ‘Cut(new nickname), I think that the best way for us to get the word out is by splitting up into two teams...Men, You talk to every guy you know, bring it up in a conversation about beer or sports…interject it in the midst of a bunch of words about nothing, women you bring it up when text or when your standing in line like kinda blurt it to your friend just say something like: “Look at her waist, she MUST BE on HYDROXY CUT”..but just loud enough so that the guy behind you or next to you checking you out can use that as his “Opening or Pick-Up” line and whisper “Nah, THE NEWS..has been telling EVERYONE to STOP TAKING HYDROXY CUT…”…Hmmm, if we all did that I think that instead of “SPREADING” Mr. S…We’d be in someway helping to save someone else's life…
Oh and to Kid Critic:
Yes Bro, I took into account the SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL hit that HHC US Trademark Ltd..I wonder though what that means to GNC and their partners, the NFL…Oh, Mr. Goddell will the league be adopting a policy to ban HYDROXY CUT sometime in the near future..will this be done before the start of Mini Camp? Or will we be waiting to see if ANOTHER LINEMEN dies on the practice field this year(That goes for you too NCAA-GIVE US THE DAMN PLAYOFFS ALREADY, oh and Hook ‘EM)…Ah and Mr. Stern to my office please…Hey Steezze, are you going to put out a memo before the start of any of tonight's games or just continue to wait for Something Amazing to happen?? Poor Chrysler, all this is happening and no one really Hears you SQUEAL as you go BELLY UP…I found that funny to it’s okay to laugh…Isn’t it?? Quick someone check and see if it is just turn on the television and read the bottom line on all of these people who “KNOW”:CNN>HLN<FOXNEWS>MSNBC<CNBC>TEXAS NEWSCHANNEL of RANDOM TEXAS NEWS – Yes, that really is a channel and see I’m not CHEAP, because EVEN in a RECESSION I can afford to spring for the “Extended Package”…
Uh, Almost forgot about my Girl POLI(she has a TIC,lol):
Aaaaa…Government…Umm...Funny seeing you over there in the dark…REALLY gotta be a little less obvious when you’re trying to watch people…Got say that it’s KINDA bad idea to “shoot out” MASS EMAILS to let everyone know that you’re “Not Watching Them” with a Title that says: “Open For Important Information”…I’ve gotta believe that most people who see that instantly “Click & Mark” as SPAM…Yeah buddy, if you wanna do that you have to have them “Mark your Email as Safe” or in short – “become their friend and not their stalker”, BIG UP – To Barack-- (So cool that everyone feels comfortable enough to call Our President by his first name or should I say Refer to As *damn English Teachers* – I see what you’re doing over their “Cat Daddy” I figured it out a long time ago, when I discovered that there was someone who thought like me and had the opportunity to put those thoughts into action. I see by the moves made “behind the scenes”…no per “our code” I won’t tell anyone..”Hand Shake, Nod, Wink or otherwise”…Just as it is said: Those few who are worthy of being enlightened with the knowledge are the very few have dared to have their destiny determined by all of the PATHS THAT LIE AHEAD…
And B-Ry…”Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was B-Ry”- From Family Guy..I wanted to ask you about “Personal Bailouts” or what I would like to call the “National Forgiveness and/or Last Stand Act(yep, I created them..I’m sooo transparent…). An act in which under certain circumstances, few families are given a “Credit Second Chance” whereas their credit is completely wiped and forgiven “reset” if you will back to when they had no credit at all and they had to start all over again – YES, I just “interjected” Monopoly into this..see how easy that was?-Anyway, we can build people impossible homes I’m sure that say 1 Million families could get a “do over” I’m sure the numbers will add to a lot less than say just giving every home with an income of less than $250k more money back on their taxes, the same taxes that they pay themselves with every time they cash their paychecks(can’t be the only one who figured out that circle, by the way anyone else think it’s stupid that you still have to pays taxes when you’re in the military…you already work for the government and you have to pay the government directly every time that you pay yourself…wow I just realized that you have to pay to serve in the military…Sorry, that went waaayy off subject, complete loss of thought..Ah well, I’m sure it’ll come back to me..Oh WAIT- There’s that line again: “Drove my CHEVY to the Levee, but the Levee was..” Shit, I knew recognized those faces when I saw them…Katrina & Rita how you doin’ ladies? Yeah Katrina, I heard about all of those people STILL LIVING IN TRAILERS – That certainly sucks what with that N1 going around, can’t be good..What’s that? You say that this could be Barack’s “Katrina” his first “TEST”?? What’s that – You say “Uhh Ahh Baby, Who Dey, Young Moola Baby” “DREW BRRREEEESSS”(ESPN), what you say that you’ve been Forgot about AGAIN?? Damn and what Rita? You say that at least somebody cared about her…Damn, I’m sorry to hear that you’re not doing well..first your Hornets got swatted and somebody had the never to break your precious CP3..Well at least you’ll still have your ‘Aints and that Kardashian kid with half a knee(who only really has about 2 years left) for a few more years oh and can you have Mr. 25 ask RAY-J for that link to the website again?? Somehow I lost it, but I know Ray has it…he’s gotta have something to do in between takes of that show that NOBODY WATCHES…And before I close I gotta ask if I was the only one who seems to have SPECTATED the SPECTACLE 'caused by a certain SPECTER for leaving one SECTOR for another SECTOR when he saw that he was among the few who are the Last of a Dying Breed(sorry AGAIN Republican)…
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