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I'm About Ta Blow Up

I'm About Ta Blow Up by: Who's Saying This












I'm about ta blow up (Clap, clap, clap) 
I'm about ta blow up
I said that I'm about ta blow up
I'm about ta blow, 
I'm about ta blow,
I'm about ta blow up!

I don't give a fuck about them no life biatches stalkin' me on the threads,
Bitch #IMABOUTTABLOWUP how I mean it cup Red, grip ingrained helmet off flo back diggin' in, Rich boy Cali board certified product
Real dropped from the gums my seed invades the hearts of the weak in a spring is to secrete as flood her river overflows when I'm in bed sorta peep, over This sick BlindBeat Who has 'em throwin' up arms in defeat, while them girls I used ta fuck wit wrists at risk of deep tissue rip, Scrreeetchh and pump tha brakes on ya Corolla when a Ninja burns the 'crete, pose unique when it comes to the handeye so fucks with my stand strong and find ya future gone -DELETE- think'in caps put [ON] OFF STANDBY >> ain't I 'bout a fucking bleep, killers beef never known all my opposition rests in peace, piece of shit history lit performance penned for hall wall office speak might be cooler if set in my depiction, Amari's world is the game for all the marbles jacksons made take a time out if you Miss It and I swear you'll miss a gain, all in all IMABOUTTABLOWUP in a Drew Brees way,

I'mma-I'mma bout ta
I'm about ta blow up (Clap, clap, clap) 
I'm about ta blow up
I said that I'm about ta blow up
I'm about ta blow, 
I'm about ta blow,
I'm about ta blow up!

I'm a blow up and float through earth clouds deep, keep your fingers off the glass when I'm snowing lines please, may not'ta made it rich like Rick, Driz, or Weez but my name is still topping all the boards, charts, and dreams, surface up my nigga's filthy rich toes on deck call to arms time to breed a whole nation of Swatch-Watch rocking matching Kango side bent geeks, so my nerds grab a girl and letcha dick spit a sweet bag of fresh made Brachs

#IMABOUTTABLOWUP and take the w.hole w.orld w.ith me #IMABOUTTABLOWUP for the victims at Century #IMABOUTTABLOWUP for Treyvon Martin #IMABOUTTABLOWUP for all we the one's meet, know, knew, and love!

I'mma-I'mma bout ta
I'm about ta blow up (Clap, clap, clap) 
I'm about ta blow up
I said that I'm about ta blow up
I'm about ta blow, 
I'm about ta blow,
I'm about ta blow up!

More to come...But for now -STATUS- END

*I give from me to you my all, always thankful for the blessings, my appreciation God*

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