I'm standing here at the fork in the road and I'm wondering how many accidents there are with the cars coming back down both of these paths...
Other people talk to people when they're having problems, other people cry when they feel sad, some show when they are worried or are up set. I wonder why this is what I do, why do I type out my feelings and my thoughts? Why do I not cry, not allow myself to feel sad, to feel very little really, I feel love, I feel happiness, I feel joy, I often have a rush of emotions that put a smile on my face, but what I would like to know is why I never worry, never fear, I do not hate, I take the stress out of stressful situations with funny antics and wisdom filled thoughts. Like at this very moment I am going thru 4 situations that most would feel 1 too much to bear, yet I can sit here and crank out something like the story below(which I literally typed 2 Min's before this), why is it that when I am upset a good song and my favorite video game can take it away, all the pressures of the day, the news, the problems, everything for me can be solved with 3 hours of Sports Radio, I think up short stories in my mind while playing video games.
I feel like telling you all, anyone who will sit and read this, read what I've written, who'll go for a walk with me and have a talk. I want to tell you a story, a story about anything. I'll tell you where I draw my inspiration from, where I get all of my ideas. Everywhere and Everything, I don't know if it is an "ability" or a "disability", but I am able to see, inter put and analyze just about any and everything I come into contact with. I like to think that I "sponge" everything, which is why I can hold a conversation about world affairs, politics and the economy while at the same time debate why Steroids were the best thing to ever happen to baseball(that's a conversation for another time), and know how to chop it up on the streets. I don't think that there is a single thing about or my personality is perfect, I do however believe that I fair exceptionally well in certain areas of character(there I go playing with words again). I often how many other people watch television show like "Trust Me" on TNT, and think - "I can do that?" I do, EVERY TIME I WATCH IT, I know that I could take any product in this world and make it marketable, I believe that I could say anything to anyone, I know I could stand in a court room and sell the judge half a key - hit him off with a discount and has my parking validated on the way out. You feel me?
I can run a company, I know this because I already ran two. And anyone who knows me knows that those stores made money off my back. I can write books(obviously), television shows, movies and commercials because I do that now, I can play just about any sport just as good as the worst person in the league, I'm what the young kids call a "Beast" on XBL, a video game legend(I'm honored), I just out that my Swagger has a Swagger, I wrote a song called "IPod Song" and I don't even have an IPod. I have a "Say The Word" T-Shirt Line, that sells shirts with my random thoughts on them, shirts like: Your Son is My JR., I'm Ur Girls 'Dick Mint", and my personal favorite "Clean Shirt, Dirty Socks & Underwear". I think I'm a "funny-funny" guy, I think I'm SEXY, and I thinking I'm thinking a little to much about me.
But that's okay, I feel better now. Just needed that moment, a moment to just sit and think about me for a minute. A talk about me for awhile, I think we should all do that when we feel we need to. So many things go on in life and at times there is so much required from us that we just need to stop and remember ourselves for a minute.
Thank You for reading this, My name is Amari..
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