Who’s Saying This
Constantly I will repeat it, until one day everyone in the world comes to recognize that second to only God with whom nothing I do would ever be possible ..
So, although my methods of self-promotion, my bravado, to some may seem from afar as grandiose, I will never offer an apology when it comes to how I represent myself and my art. I am aware that there may be times when I rub some ever so tightly in the wrong way, that when they go to compare themselves to me they feel as though any attempts to repeat is quite nearly impossible. That is perhaps the reason why I will forever be misunderstood. Yet if only they too could find reasons and ways to imagine, then maybe they too would find that greatness within me by God has given to them as well
-Who’s Saying This
All the Time I Spend Imagining
Lyrics Written by: Amari L. Williams
To be performed in the near future by: Who’s Saying This
Produced By: A Soldiers Battle Creed Production. 2011;
All Rights Reserved. Copyright & Patent Pending
Instrumental Provided: Diamond Style Production
Availability: All Offers of Investment into Exclusive Lyric Copyright(s) <Available>
Licensing Status: Only Serious Offers Currently Being Considered
“Written for all of the strong women in the world, who’ve wanted to know what goes on inside the head of every man. Those of us who know just how much mean, even if we never say much.”
Introduction: May not ever really know how it all adds up/but if you break it all down, you’ll know that nothing else comes close to measuring up/all I really want you to know is how I’m feeling right now, life is such a rush, the blur of love keeps the world spinning round/trying to play catch up, keep my feet with solid ground
1st Verse: The more that that I think about you, more thoughts of you flood my mind/the more my heart opens up, more I feel you’re all I’ll ever need in my life/with just one simple touch, what you mean to me girl, so much, can’t other woman touch/
1st Bridge: So far more than anything I could ever have imagined, so beyond anything, you’re everything, hope you understand that/
Bottom line/
I hear the tick-tocks coming from the clock up on the wall as the hours continue to go by/but I don’t worry with you on my mind, it always seems as though things will go on forever/as if I never have to worry at all about falling short or running out of time (ever-echo into fade)
So while others may have to search, all I need to do is close my eyes/visualize/what I know I’ve long ago found, my very own slice, own slice of heaven, which I keep right here/from deeply tucked in my heart just another special message from my mind translating what goes on whenever you’re not around me my dear/to remind
2nd Bridge: So far more than anything I could ever have imagined, so beyond anything, you’re everything, understand that-
<2nd Bridge is set for a quick transition into chorus>
Chorus: You’ll always be more to than I ever could’ve imagined
Mean more to me today than any day lived without you
One day I hope that you see this
(eventually one day you’ll get to hear say it too)
Been too long
Hope that if today isn’t the day, that-that day is coming soon
‘Cause I can’t imagine another minute without you
2nd Verse: It's been a little over 30 days, let’s call it a month/since last time we seen each other/face to face, hooked up/revved other’s engines, synced together/the you & I that is us/our own special bond/so Ford tough/way we explore and foray way into each’s most sensual inhibitions/I call that lust-trust/
Damn girl/how I miss those long weekend, bedroom only, road trips/our locked away escape into a fantasy world of festive foreplay-lovemaking expeditions/doing the types of things behind closed doors that’d make you blush if you ever had to share them/drives me crazy, in a nearly pushes me over the edge type of way/oh how you straddle my stick, when you take this pony for a ride/flex those thigh muscles, as you arch your back high, ride the sunny day away into a starry night/your dripping oils infuse me, as I fight filling you with you mine/no holding back, as your legs steady kicking like you’ve find a hill to climb/your body my prime focus/if only in my mind/been 30 something days too long since we’ve fallen asleep parked side to side
3rd Bridge: More than I imagined, at any point in time
Chorus: You’ll always be more to than I ever could’ve imagined
Mean more to me today than any day lived without you
One day I hope that you see this
(eventually one day you’ll get to hear say it too)
Been too long
Hope that if today isn’t the day, that-that day is comin soon
‘Cause I can’t imagine another minute without you
3rd Verse: I know love & to you love I apologize/love I’m sorry for all the confusing feelings and all the crazy shit I do/I know I’ve kept you waiting this long, so long overdue/but in my defense I wanted make sure things were right/and I promise now love to make it work out, make those dreams come true/I know now more than ever, what you mean to my life/never again will be the day come that you’ll shed a tear, I ever forget you love, you’ve always been the apple of my eye/and all that you mean to me/I thank cupids sacrifice/swear that starting with this song, on so many different levels iI’m going to make things right/so many different ways/Never in a million years, a billion dollars, or trillion lifetimes, I say/no way/no matter how hard things may get between us/would I ever walk away, ever dare to try, try something like shutting you out or ignoring these things called feelings inside/that would be the mistake that’d lead me to shrivel up & die
4th Bridge: So funny, the way seeing keeps me bursting with joy inside/for another chance to show you/I’d count every second from now ‘til the of end mankind/More than just imagination,
What you mean to me
Chorus: You’ll always be more to than what think you mean to me
(No lie)
Mean more to me today than any day
(Without you in my life)
One day I hope that you see this
(eventually one day you’ll get to hear say it too)
Been too long, baby
(SInce that day)
Hope that if today isn’t the day, that-that day is comin soon
(If only because)
I can’t imagine another minute without you
4th Verse: Baby girl all I’d ever want you to know, is that in my heart you’ll never mean anything more to me than everything in this world/which is why the hardest thing in the world for me to do, is try to find a way to express it in which my truest feelings shined through/And while this may sound so incredibly tragic, pathetic, or odd you’ve gotta know this/Where would I be, if I had no you with whom to build our future home with/Right now you it might sound crazy, but just picture it for a moment/while you’re wondering where this all is coming from, all I can really say is that it’s piling on and building up from our first introduction/
5th Bridge: Always knew it, right from the start, just how I imagined it The biggest part of me beats within you every single moment, my sweetheart
5th Verse: Ain’t nothing more me to do other than sit here, now looking at the clock and thinking back/why is that whenever I’m seeking for truth I can see it shining in your eyes/forever will you forgive dear if forever I fail seem able to recognize anyone or other thing than other than you for the rest my life,
6th Bridge: A thousand knots tied in my stomach trying to tell you now what I felt back then, recognize that I love you no more now than I’ve all along I always will, always did/the most beautiful woman in the world by, far God's greatest gift,
Chorus: You’ll always be more to than I ever could’ve imagined
Mean more to me today than any day lived without you
One day I hope that you see this
Maybe with my arms around you
Been way too fucking long
I can’t go much more without you
6th Verse: Before I let you go,
My love for you will forever & always continue to grow, you’re the reason for this song, thank you for the way you keep me waiting & wondering always wanting more, on the verge losing control, some would call it sultry seduction I call it something with no words/all the time and you should know that/I could never let you and I don’t care of others hate this but:
You’re my living proof that fairytales do truly still exist, only when I look at you is my vision truly my eyes clear/my view/
Final Bridge: Who’s Saying This/once again that no one else in the world could ever mean more to me than you, never again will I hold hands with any other girl unless she's made from me + you, throw a fortune in any well just to make sure you’re my only wish come true, ‘cause right now without you in my arms I am but tree with a rotting root, slowly dying inside/
Outro: So in tune with you and all that you do in so many different ways, on so many different levels it’s me you never cease to amaze, goes without saying what I think every day of any week, every day on the calendar is February 14th, anytime spent without you is eternity to me, hardest time in the world you without you there’s no me..
If 30 days has been too long, I can’t imagine how long another’d be..
Chorus: You’ll always be more to than I ever could’ve imagined
Mean more to me today than any day lived without you
One day I hope that you see this
Maybe with my arms around you
Been way too fucking long
I can’t go much more without you
-The End-
you have given another reason why you are so good at what you do.. never let anyone tell you different. I love you for who you are and for what you do.. I know once you get your passion going you never stop until you have finished.. I love all that you have to say, and nothing will ever get in your way.. <3