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Dig this, dig that

Cali is where my heads at

Texas is where I my heart is

Mr. Known ta start the party kid

I’m tha cool dude

Mr. Keep tha hat down, stay outta sight smooth

shake an 8-ball and tha answer shows you


Know me I guess you don’t here’s a taste uh what ido


I say ipen ipad I input my outlook

put it in ya ebag

you could neva see me sad istay reachin’ for that sack

through her iphone IM an fuckin’ eapp

download me in her bedroom where I wear a T-Mag

got her screamin’ darle a mi papá en su propia manera especial off the way ihit that ass

you could neva see mad wit all this money yeah tha ecash

got my own playboy bunny and uh 7 figure pad

M6 I push goes zoom zoom fast

life in this lane ain’t too motherfuckin’ bad

hate meh if you wanna

butdidu really have to ask

Excuse me miss

I’m the one they call math

wonder WHO’s tha shit

I’m the #1 you do the add

understand you won’t soon forget




songs is what I do all the rest is just for kicks

letters are words meant just for friends “Used Ta Think” is anotha in bunch uh chart topping hits

if ya open up my window and click -start in at 0:06

turn tha speakers up

feel tha bass as it hits

bounce ya fuckin’ head an’ sing a lil bit

“Used ta be, Used ta be, Used ta be” shit

I used be broke, now I’m gettin’ usta to bein’ rich

all I do is shows on tha channels that you skip

wireless way *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK*

navigate the lines between ya thighs and ya hips

magic is the way that I touch my apple to ya lips

intel shows that I’m programmed to do tricks

Quick Pro no

I load Microsoft slow

XP way to get ya Vista ta explode

7 different ways ta Mac Book a hoe

hi-tech highway Who’s Saying This fa 'sho

I do it my way

USB I shoot my files down ya throat

file sharing foreplay

I turn my PowerPoint your way

McAfee ya walls then ALT + CTRL + SHIFT throw away

April 1st no joke


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