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Used Ta Think

Used Ta Think

Written by: Who’s Saying This



I listened to all tha bullshit you & ya friend had to say and now that we’ve reached the end I’mma I’mma set shit straight I’mma I’mma be takin’ the kids, the dogs, fuck it I want the plates up-up out my hubble burst your bubble let that motherfucker love you just remember the one who did everything  for you

Always be

Funny how I

Used to think

used ta be

Funny, funny honey how we

used ta dream, used ta think damn

used ta used ta just be you & me

Funny I used ta believe, used ta believe, used ta believe in that forever the two would be you + me, you + me, you + me now All my eyes can see is the space spuhspspace between where you & I used to be

Used ta be you & me

You & Me

You & Me

you     &      me

I mean I mean I mean I mean the space the space the space between between ya-yut-ya-yut you and me la-luh la-luh la-luh-leaves a(as in uh)spot a spot a spot a spot where two love birds once shared one beat one heart one dare wonder who cares all I can do now is stare minus one-wa-wawa tha world it just ain’t fair for some how one person could bare ta part from lover in despair torn every every which way I’ve had enough lighter sparks tha pictures up melt away tha frame thru tha flames it’s you I blame ain’t ain’t it a damn shame it has to end this fuckin’ way

Ain’t it funny-funny how I used ta love ya honey

loved ya honey, loved ya honey, luh-la-la-luhved ya honey 

Funny how I, how I  used ta think you felt somethin’ for meh

used ta used ta

Funny, funny honey how we

used ta dream, used ta think damn

used ta be

sweet,  just used ta be you & me

Ain’t it funny-funny how I played I dummy, dummy

Funny how I used ta think

you really loved me

used ta love

remember when  you still love me

Every 24 that starts is anotha f’n day without you babe I say nothin’ is eva quite tha same awake anotha day without you in my arms I can’t take like uh bullet to tha face I gotta ss-ss-say with out you guhl(as girl extended)I’ve lost tha queen to my straight lost tha milk to my shake sham wit no WOW subtract tha memories from my brain an you’ll see a storm wit no clouds

Ain’t it funny, ain’t it funny how

Funny how

funny how I Used to think

we used ta be

Funny how I

honey how we

used ta used ta dream damn

used ta used ta

just be you & me

As our history fades away, feel bittersweet when I say I oughta call you just to say saw you at the mall today flood of thoughts & memories of how I used ta buy ya things spoil ya wit them diamond rangs our initials on a chain now all I wanna do is scream fuck can’t believe I tattooed your name ignore all the things you say we’d be let anotha take the place uh you an, you an me hand in hand, hand in hand for all eternity is what you meant me

Ain’t it funny, ain’t it funny how

Funny how

funny how I Used to think

we used ta be

Funny how I

honey how we

used ta used ta dream damn

used ta used ta

just be you & me

Just memorize I’m mesmerized I think about you all the time crazy girl insane am I miss you damn the pain I hide for tha only 1 ta blame is I inside I ain’t been tha same I cry-crying ever since that day sick the way you walked away, last words I thought I’d ever hear you say is




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