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Roads I Travel

Amari L. Williams always have been and always will be…not like anyone else I am indeed an individual by thought and by nature. While some people can only hope to be and accomplish things in life I believe that everything I want is possible so long as I concentrate on those things, put forth the efforts, and make the necessary sacrifices should I need to…Many people to include those on this page consider me to be selfish, and to a point I am. I’m selfish because I think that the world belongs to me, and that everything in this world is available to me. Does that mean that I should pursue all that there is? No, but does that mean that I should just sit back and try to pick where and when to insert my thoughts and actions? The answer to that is a clear NO as well.

So I think that I am a writer, a musician, an actor, a politician, an advocate, a poet, a philosopher, a student, and a few other things. Some of those things are only dreams to others, dreams had or held in youth…could show that I refuse to grow up, but I think it shows that I fail to ever give up. Recently I’ve taken a setback at a moment when I thought I was flying high and although in the past I may have reacted in a different manner I’ve somehow grown and matured, and am able to handle this situation without anger and violence, two things that in my past would’ve seemed my only logical solutions.

There are reasons why I am the way that I am and I do the things that I do…I think we all know how easy it is to make excuses for or actions, the things we’ve done in the past and even try to provide reasons as we may do things or repeat things in the future. Understand that I make no attempt to hide who I am or my past from anyone at any time and should things about me that have long been in the dark ever come to light, then I will consider that it is then in that moment that those things shall come to shine.

I promised a week ago to provide all those interested with a story, the idea, my idea was to to write the longest/continuous post in the history of an “Online Social Media Website”, right here on face book I was preparing to post a romance novel that I myself have written all in my head. As of the moment that novel is some 12,000 words long…Two parts I’ve provided.

But as it stands, the Lord has decided to guide me in a different direction at the moment and has placed those thoughts on hold. What you will read below is what I posted yesterday on my website and have contemplated for the past 24 hours about posting here on Face Book as well.  Initially I rejected that idea out of fear of embarrassment and shame, because up until now I’ve pretty much stuck to the unwritten online rule of only sharing the good times with everyone I know. But now the more that I think about it, everyone that I know comes to me or at least I think comes to me when they are having problems or are feeling a bit stressed out and well I feel that it’s my turn to lean on someone else for a little bit.

Know that I expect none of you to solve my problem, for I feel confident and patient in knowing that God will provide an adequate solution. All that I ask you to do, is just read it, read it and see that life in it’s own way sucks for each of us at times and when it does know that we can never give in nor ever give up. I know I’ll be okay, I know my family will be okay..I’ve been through some much worse with so far less.

There will be those who at some point may find a small amount of joy seeing me stumble, and to those people I say “Remember where I was when you stumbled, and remember how my rush to lift you up?”…

In close…I promised to provide a story and I can assure that God as my witness, just as soon as I am finished with this current task of mine. I will indeed post that story, but in the mean time there are some others that I’ve written and that are available, all of which can be accessed by visiting my website…some are short, some are random, and some don’t any kind of sense. Kinda like life when you think about it.

So I’m off my friends & family on Face Book, off to change some things and hopefully the next time you see a post from me, it’ll be full of great things.

See your dreams with both eyes open, turn a stranger into a friend, a help those who need it.


Amari L. Williams just a guy Who’s Saying This

I have come to the conclusion that man is indeed not created equal and that the laws by which we live by are only meant to serve the few rather than the ALL, as has been falsely & foolishly believed. A country that once stood as a beacon of hope & opportunity is now nothing more than a society built on greed, finger pointing, and blame.

How stupid I now find myself feeling for once swearing my life to protect such a nation where the value of a dollar holds more value than that of human life, how idiotic it seems I was when I actually thought that differences could be made and that people are all that truly mattered. “Peace & Justice for All”, Humph, I let out as I sit here now scrambling trying to find a place other than a one room hotel to for my family, our belongs, and our pets. I can’t help but feel a little anger inside when I think of the person who because of oversights and flexibilities in our legal system can only stand to reap benefits from my situation, a situation that the laws in the State of Texas have permitted.

The ability of this person to skillfully navigate and maneuver the legal system will on Sunday leave my family homeless as she will carelessly and without repercussion awake to the sounds and beauty of the waves outside her beach side residence. The ‘Victor’ is seems in this case where I and my family are now forced into the roles of victim, it’s funny for all the writing that I’ve ever done, all of the songs I’ve penned, all of the times I ever been in front of a camera, the role of ‘victim’ seems to be the only role that I can successfully play in life.

Looked at as ‘Hero’ in the eyes of my daughters, I must sadly and truthfully admit to them once again that their father, the man they look up to for guidance and leadership is nothing more than a witless fool. A fool for believing that following rules and abiding by laws wins out over cutting corners and dishonesty. An even bigger fool for thinking that I possessed all of the tools necessary to raise them from innocent children to prospering adults into contributing members of society. How wrong was I to think such a thing?

To anyone who reads this understand that I seek not your pity, for I feel that at this moment seeking such pity would be a dream to this everlasting nightmare that I’ve suddenly found myself mired in, a nightmare that at the moment does not seem to have a clear, positive ending or resolution. I’ve reached out to several all of the news outlets in here in Corpus Christi and as of the moment it appears that my situation is not considered tantalizing enough for their ‘troubleshooter’ departments, I’ve contacted the local newspaper several times and again no response. It seems though my problem is not enough that there is any interest. I suppose if I were to have decided to go another route, say the type that would make a headline, then perhaps the news crews and reporters would be running as many red lights as they could to be first to cover the story. “Local man goes on rampage”, “City police called to stop crazed man”, it’s clear to me that in the city of Corpus Christi, the only way to get someone to pay attention is by committing actions such as those or attach the drink special of the day to whatever I had to day.

Sadly though I have to admit, I just do not have the energy nor the ignorance for those types of things. My belief in the non-violent, calm action approach does not seem to work well here. I confess that I wasted my more violent and angered types of energies while placing phone calls and sending emails to every lawyer around town that according to their websites “Are here to help fight on your behalf”, I guess since there isn’t an 18-Wheeler, DUI, or drugs involved then my case is ‘pointless’ as one lawyer just told me before rushing me off the phone. No problem, just what I expected from those who claim to be there at a time when all I need is a little advice and a direction.

Faced with no other alternatives, no assistance, and well no one that cares. I take my claim, my issues, and my problems to the public:

For the 14 months I have a property here in Corpus Christi, from Ruth Ascher. Until recently I only knew Mrs.Ascher as the realtor for my property, not as the owner of HR Real Estate – the company she works for, not as the owner of the KIHO Corporation – the corporation who owns my home, Ruth Ascher the owner of the residence that I and my family have recently been evicted from. The eviction stemming from $250, the $250 reason for my eviction. I paid that amount for a licensed home inspector to come out and compile a complete inspection of the property so that I could have repairs made that I’ve been requesting from the time that I’ve moved in and signed my lease. Understand that while I know that it is against the law to withhold rent for repairs, I have not at any point refused payment of rent for repairs. As a matter of fact, until this dispute I was told that any repairs that I could myself make or pay for could be deducted from my rent for the current month.

I even have receipts to support that, the fact that Mrs.. Ascher (who at the time stated to me that she would discuss the matter with the ‘owners’ and get back with me) saw no interest or need to make the repairs that I requested because she did not feel as though they necessary does not diminish the fact that they were/are of significant as they relate to health, safety, and standard of living. It is known by me and anyone to whom she rents her other properties that Mrs.. Ascher has a history of hiring out repair contracts with those not licensed by the State of Texas to perform home repairs, plumbing, electrical and general contracting work. I filed a written request with the City of Corpus Christi Public Works Office to have a building inspector come out to my property and in inspect on my behalf to ensure that my request(s) for repair were not frivolous and I did so well in advance of ever heading down the path of eviction.

Anyone who lives in the Corpus Christi area knows that last month we went through an uncommon cold spell, during which time(due to a lack of insulation), my light bill went from it’s average Winter monthly cost of $220 per month to $497, not because the meter read wrong(I also had that checked), but as I’ve found out from the electric company was due to no insulation in the attic, and from a foundation specialist the amount of water that has pooled underneath my home prevents it from being able maintain heat. On top of that, because the foundation is so old and in need or repair, my the house has shifted resulting in several cracks in the floorboard, the inside roof, and the walls. The condition of this house with the repairs that I’ve requested has even lead to doors that won’t close and holes in the walls that come about when you try to hang pictures. I have a bathroom that is growing mold because the repair/remodel personnel that she hired a few months back did not install the correct materials and at her request used only the cheapest of materials possible, none of which were waterproof.

Why am I telling all of this, I’m telling you because come Monday the 8th of February 2010, the Sheriff’s office or deputies whichever it is will be here to ensure that the court order from the other day is followed through and that all my possessions and my family have left the premises. I fail to see how such a thing can be possible seeing as I still have to find a place, pay the currents months bills for this residence, a deposit & 1st Months’ rent, the cost of moving, pay the court cost that the judge granted to Mrs. Ascher/HR Real Estate/KIHO Corporation, and transfer all of our utilities in a 5 day span. On top of that ensuring that my children can still get to school, their mom to work, and oh did I mention I’m a student so I still have my studies to complete at the same time.

All of this while Mrs. Ascher can sit in million dollar home on Ocean Drive, put her feet up and smile as she collects rent from all of her other properties. I don’t see how that is in anyway fair, but I guess nowadays that just the new “American Way”.

You know what I’m going to do about it?

I’m going to rent the best room with a wonderful view that overlooks the city and the ocean, and at least one night I’m going to give my daughters the privilege to feel as though they are on top of the world, and pray that by morning God will have taken care of all the rest. I ask for no donations as I from a financial standpoint I can this storm, I as for no handouts because even though my situation is tough I know that there are others with more needs, all I ask is that unlike the Mrs. Ascher, you within yourself recognize that there are more important things in life than selfishness and greed. Understand that even in business you must maintain decency, honesty and morals.

I am by far not a saint and have committed my share of wrongs and sins, but anyone who has ever met me or knows me in this city and everywhere I’ve ever been, knows that I consider everyone I meet a new friend and I will bend over backwards at any time to do anything I can for another. This one thing while it may present a challenge and knock my back a bit, will not nor cannot ever break me or knock me down.


  1. Jessica FerucciFebruary 05, 2010

    I must say I find you to be an amazing man with the strength of God himself. Laws and society suck. With all the programs that have been given to the so called people in need, it sure is funny how they are still out of reach. Fight and fight hard like I know you can. It will take people like you to make the change that is needed.


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