What would you do if you were given the chance to do the one thing that you’ve always wanted to do? How would you react given the opportunity of a lifetime? Would you do all that you said you would? If you made it in doing whatever it is, would you reach back and bring someone else along?
A chance, that’s all that any of us ever really need. Where would America be if doors weren’t opened by someone who saw something, a little glimmer of hope in the eyes of the person asking Now I am not naive I know that hard work, dedication and perseverance are vital to any success that any of us wish to have, but how handy does that come in when the opportunity is not there to begin with? The world has certainly changed quite a bit, watching the news only results in being “force fed” needless information…Gossip if you will. All I see when I turn on the MSNBC or FOXNews or CNN is what so-and-so did. It’s so easy for those doing the reporting to point the finger at everyone else, and drawing unneeded attention to matters that are UNIMPORTANT. Take for instance the Great Steroid Debate: Really?? I mean REALLY?? Why does anyone care if Baseball players were/are “juiced”? I grew up with a strong passion for baseball and can honestly say to this day that I could really GIVE A FUCK if my favorite players were taking steroids, perhaps if they weren’t and I didn’t witness first hand the moon shots flying out of Jack Murphy Stadium then I wouldn’t be a fan. Am I really supposed to believe that a person can NATURALLY hit a 400ft homer? REALLY?! Yet, now we should ALL be concerned. Or how about Mr. Phelps, so he was caught hit the bong. Who cares? REALLY? Like NO ONE in the world other than Michael Phelps and a few others smoke weed. REALLY?? Again, who cares? Ah and today, Sarah Palin- Back Taxes…REALLY?? How the FUCK is that NEWS?? And I’m about sick and tired of hearing about the ECONOMY, I got it we’re BROKE, well now that we’ve figured that out why continue to look for someone to blame? I thought we were taught NOT to place blame on others’ for problems of our own..Hmm, I guess only I was. One last tidbit and this one I have a MAJOR issue with: AS A VETERAN AND AS A WAR VETERAN I AM FUCKING TIRED OF THE PRESS AND POLITICANS USING US AS TALKING POINTS. “TODAY SENATOR A VISITED WOUNDED SOILDIERS AT PLACE B”. Really? So the only Vets that deserve help, support, aid are the ones’ who had something blown off or were shot up? Hmm, so these nightmares and my wrecked body are not the same? Ah, YES I am BITTER..bitter because I came back with my limbs intact and apparently THAT means I’m 100% okay. So much for the numbers that suggest that most of the suicides and crimes committed by returning vets are committed by those who are still lacking the proper resources. Check the numbers, I did and I do everyday. In newspapers across the country the stories are there, no lie.
To sum it up…When/if given the opportunity to do what it is that I’ve always dreamt of doing, my focus WILL be to look back, WILL be to do for someone else. And ABOVE all I WILL GO TO MY GRAVE TO ENSURE THAT NO VETERAN(disabled or not) IS EVER FORGOTTEN ABOUT AGAIN!.
You’ve read this and I Thank You…Now go out and see who you can reach your hand out to…
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