.dlrow eht dnuora draeh eb lliw smailiW .L iramA eman eht yad eno taht seveileb ohw nosrep emas yrev ehT
?ezirP ecaeP leboN a niw yad eno dluow ainrofilaC ,ogeiD naS morf dik a taht maerd dluoc ohW
.yelekreB CU ta esruoc a hcaet yad eno lliw smailliW .L iramA
.snobbir gnittuc dlareH yliaD neelliK eht fo egap tnorf eht no eb yad eno lliw smailliW .L iramA
tsimonocE ehT smailliW .L iramA
SDL ma I smailiW .L iramA
.dees eht reverof ,tnalP .nworG
.ybab eht reverof ,nam nworG
.spets rieht dekcart syawla ev'I ,anawiK dna kcirreD naht htap tnereffid a dewollof ev'I hguoht dna ,yrraB ekil sevaw eittaH
ekil skool ,em edam rehtaf ym eht ecnis hserf os luos ni eerF
!edirp htiw sepirts ym raew I .deggurhs reven sredluohs ,duol tsehc ym no gnidnuop .ediw reve seye ,pu reve daeH
.sepirG oN .stnialpmoc oN .denrecnoc m'I sa raf oS
.dooG .nmaD .ytterP gniod m'I yas d'I denrae ev'I yas d'I riaf oS
.selggurts fo erahs eraf ym hguorht yaw ym thguohT
.sraw fo erahs eraf ym hguorht yaw ym thguoF
.selttab fo erahs eraf ym hguorht yaw ym thguoS
.wodahs a stsac smailliW .L iramA
.stcelfer smailliW .L iramA
.swodniw ro senaP
.selbmeser tfo smailliW .L iramA deziniturcs dna ,deredisnoc ,delbmessa ylesolc nehw tcaf fo rettam a sA
.degduj netfo si smailliW .L iramA
.evol ot tluciffid si smailliW .L iramA
.ekil ot drah si smailliW .L iramA
.yned ot eno t'nia iramA
.tegrof ot eno t'nia iramA
.koolrevo ot eno t'nia iramA
.dlob si smailliW .L iramA
.detcennoc si smailliW .L iramA
.lluf si smailliW .L iramA
.derapmoc si smailliW .L iramA
.spahrep si smailliW .L iramA
Okay so as you can see…I’m always trying something new..Yeah I know…”yada yada yada Amari, everything in your world is just fine” … What you didn’t think that I didn’t know what goes thru your minds? Really? Hmm..It’s called eye contact for a reason motherfucker, yes I AM PRETTY FOOKIN’ GOOD…NO MOTHERFUCKER DO NOT L@@K M3.. I’m not going to be fucking nice right now, Saturday is “Kick Knowledge Rocks Day”…so bring that brain over here and lemme kick some knowledge in it. Or how-the-fuckever your supposed to say that. Friday Fucking Fun Day is over, on Saturday i, we, me, us, him, and them just sit around, read some books, do some studying and yeah whatever the fuck-else-ever wes do. Fix that fucking sentence too. So it’s Saturday and before I get to whatever I’m going to talk about, I’d like to send a LAICEPS SHOUOUT to myself..”Hey Self…”, “Self Yes”, “Hey yeah self, FUCK YOU”, “Hey now watch it, “Nah..Hey Fuck THAT” “Now you watch your mouth” “Yeah, you watch yours” …NO...
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