May the power of the words I produce provide works for those who lack strength when needed most:
Soo anyway with give-in and to entertain, that my oh well pfffts at all doubts
1draw Conclusion Conclusion
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Let that soak..
Effect for no matter whom I forge forth no other matters need pertaining regardless of shameless attempts to tempt and diver my path, my motion remains forward..that's a given even towards to all those into the indulgences of judgment, take heed for as surely as I am to forgive remembrances of the moments stone tossed never lost nor or ever sow longer earth interrelations for real in exchange oft proofs that all it ever takes is one to separate from amongst a million render an experiment falied..
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Son of a King slave to none from birth..can I get a ::AMEN::
If ya wit me and you with me, you'll feel it too ::AMEN:: ::AMEN::
Glory Hallelujah yell out a #SUPERAMEN
In your house, in your car, at work, at school...where've you are reach up to the sky and say
Sent from my iPhone
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