I’m tired of the drug dealers & busts.
I’m tired of the drunks & DUI’s.
I’m tired of the gangs & the wannabe’s.
I’m tired of not being able to take my kids out to eat because I don’t want to deal with ignorance.
I’m tired of all the motherfuckers that can’t learn to drive without texting.
I’m tired of only hearing advertisements on the radio about the which club or bar has the best drink special for the night.
I’m tired of hearing excuses from all the politicians who are only concerned with protecting the businesses they own.
I’m tired of being treated like I’m out of place when I’m the citizen.
I’m tired of not seeing anything positive on the local news.
I’m tired feeling like I went to war, lost part of my life, part of my memory, and part of who I used to be just to protect motherfuckers who are 100 times worse than any of the terrorists I once protected us from.
I’m tired
I’m tired
Motherfuckers with nothing better to do, nothing else to live for, and no balls think that they are the shit.
Bitch-made pussies think they run everything ‘cause they bust shots.
Down to “keep it real, be a G, a known Gangsta” ‘cause that’s what everyone else does.
But it’s funny how not a one of those BITCHES is man enough to really do what it do, and do for more than just a few.
Claim a block, a neighborhood, a street but can’t claim state or your country.
It’s “All Good” to shoot up a car full of kids uninvolved with the situation over the color of a rag.
It’s back to the old days huh? Drive-bys and what not, rob folks for what they got, stick-up folks for pocket change.
The say that you’re treated unfair because no one will hire you, no one will give you a chance, only choice you got is to “push that work”.
Black, White, Hispanic, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow whatever the color of the skin or racial origin…it’s all the same and enough is enough.
“It’s about respect nigga!!”
“If a nigga can’t respect me, then I’m bust that niggas shit”
“Fuck dawg if I ain’t got it and I want it, and see someone else wit it, I’ll let shots rang and take that shit”
That’s all I ever fucking hear, and I’M TIRED OF IT!!
Hmm…Seems like nothing more than a bullshit excuses, from another worthless individuals…
Over the past few months I noticed that the environment in which I live has become worse than any environment that I’ve been in while in the Army. The level of violence that I’ve seen in the past few months is more than I ever saw in war, and the worst part is no one has the balls or courage to stand up and say: ENOUGH IS FUCKING ENOUGH.
It puzzles me how folks can complain about the lack of respect and fairness that race receives on a national scale, when on a local scale they do nothing to weed out the very ones’ who are doing a phenomenal job of making”They do no belong” are interesting and valid point. How can you ever to progress as a people when you do nothing to address those who care not about the future and only live for the moment. What has become of a city that once was lively, fresh, and forward thinking? I laugh when I see on the news that there are those who believe that Corpus Christi is one of the best places to live, I laugh even louder when those very same people try to woo big businesses to relocate here. For what? So that there are innocent people to get caught in middle of violence, so more families can be robbed? So that more money can go into the pockets of those who are too stingy to make necessary improvements around here? FUCK THAT!! Nothing earned, is anything that is deserved. When it’s more important to fix the mall, and tear down a building than it is to fix roads, put more police on the street, clean up the fucking beaches, then you deserve exactly what you get. More concern over hunting down “Taggers”…the spray paint kids, then closing down drug houses and the bars around here that dispense DUI drivers like PEZ dispensers shows that this city is only about the green and not at all about the people. It’s funny and sad..Funny because I thought that moving my family from where we were to here would ease a little bit of the stress and worry about crime, only to find out that the numbers are a joke. Sad because it does not appear that things here will be getting better anytime soon…
I dream every night that the next day will provide me with the opportunity to accomplish things and secure a future for my family that is without worry. Unfortunately every night I must pray that we continue to make the nightly news…God help those who choose to do wrong, live lives' of crime, and take innocent live. God help them even more if it involves my family.
Just another thought straight from the heart of the only person who seems to see clearly see the world with open eyes.
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