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Target Practice

*Sights Locked*

*2 Targets Acquired: SdotVIC & Thomas Garcia*

*Freestyle rounds locked*

Beats Courtesy of:

V-I-C spells VICTIM ta me/it’s a VICTORY I see as you sow what you reap/think ya ever challenge me?

I hit back note by note/waste my time/I’ll waste ya mind/face down I’m telling you Victor/I’ll leave drownin from these rhymes/sound so sick neva quick I take my time when I speak/devour all ya adjectives/piss all over your nouns,verbs, and lines/shit if I tell ya once,I’ll tell ya thousand times/remember this as ya sit in ya truck punch drunk silly chump/KEEP OFF MY SHINE/cracked up think you could ever measure up/cut down like all the rest/laughin at all thoughts as your girl brain-blinds me/Muslim in ya heart/hide ya face around me/THOMAS GARCIA I’m too much for you to believe/piggy-back rapping is a sin/kneel down to  tha don/water board tactics ensue soon you’ll be tha next ta confess Who’s a BEAST/two more bodies found/anyone want it next/no disrespect but not even Wesley Weston could top me.

>Keep that wack ass shit in your notebooks, this website is for real lyricists, writers, and fans..all other will be subject to swift & severe verbal reprimand<





  1. by: SdotVic

    who saying this / that must of been a bitch/ figured u would of picked/ a whack ass clip/to go at that nigga vic/u said it yo self victory for vic/ so take that the way.... ur girl takes dick./ aint nobody keep a notebook cuz its all in the head/ u a lyricist? overstatement of the year/i see its all in YOUR head/ watch me pump it full of lead/ stab u up wit a pencil/ when god creates a bitch / he uses u as his stencil/ get new instrumentals/ who made that beat u? i could tell cuz the smell seems to reek like doo doo/ it take u 3 days to come back at me /
    it took me 3 minutes to write to ur wack ass beat/ flow is off...ur delivery is weaker/ before u post up make sure u feel it through the speaker/ squash ur face with my sneaker/ speak when spoken too.... never interrupt ur teacher/ im the main attraction/ homey u just a feature/ im a creature of flow/ monster of delivery/ pride is what triggered me/ to beat ur ass viciously/ this site is for fans and lyricists/ so m3? go subscribe to datpiff/ i ll jack ur ass up make u departed/ ur previous Perfect Name is Whose? rap.....was straight up retarted.

    ur embarassing corpus christi and lil flip...........u cant fuck wit vic......because vic is too sick...u said wesley cant top u???? but ur shit was such caca......i seen ur pic u remind me of lady gaga....u got nada....u probably wear prada.....and u aint no devil, time u attempt to rap to a beat..u better pick a better one... u tell me who one


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