50- cent -crime wave(instrumental) blog flow yo, what it do/ its that playa bigga vic im nicest on the mic/ not because im rhyme quick ......spillin adjectives ......metaphors and verbs stun em' with a pause...then kill em' with ur words everyones "misunderstood" i say fuck that..... u r what u r...u dont like it fall back stop selling crack.. u-Wont-Be-A dealer stop tellling lies it wont make u any realer charge it to the game/ but u maxed out nigga worth a thousand words... like a party pose picture man im getting drunk im starting 2 feel stuck one more drink i think ill make it back to my truck im natural born winner..my nigga i never lose winnin in my blood lose? ill never choose time to get a clue i got ur girls ass blue she loves bigga vic just like any girl do rhyming....delivery flow and timing be funny ...entertaining and blinding cant see me ....like muslim women victor is winning run it back to the beginning who saying this / that must of been a bitch/ figured u would of picked/ a whack ass clip/to go at that nigga vic/u said it yo self victory for vic/ so take that the way.... ur girl takes dick./ aint nobody keep a notebook cuz its all in the head/ u a lyricist? overstatement of the year/i see its all in YOUR head/ watch me pump it full of lead/ stab u up wit a pencil/ when god creates a bitch / he uses u as his stencil/ get new instrumentals/ who made that beat u? i could tell cuz the smell seems to reek like doo doo/ it take u 3 days to come back at me / it took me 3 minutes to write to ur wack ass beat/ flow is off...ur delivery is weaker/ before u post up make sure u feel it through the speaker/ squash ur face with my sneaker/ speak when spoken too.... never interrupt ur teacher/ im the main attraction/ homey u just a feature/ im a creature of flow/ monster of delivery/ pride is what triggered me/ to beat ur ass viciously/ this site is for fans and lyricists/ so m3? go subscribe to datpiff/ i ll jack ur ass up make u departed/ ur previous Perfect Name is Whose? rap.....was straight up retarted. ur embarassing corpus christi and lil flip...........u cant fuck wit vic......because vic is too sick...u said wesley cant top u???? but ur shit was such caca......i seen ur pic u remind me of lady gaga....u got nada....u probably wear prada.....and u aint no devil, son......next time u attempt to rap to a beat..u better pick a better one... u tell me who one
weak showing up
/blush it’s ya favorite color/steppin in ta this ring wit ya heels on is a violation of the rules ask we speak/yous
BIG PIMPIN (instrumental) - jay z homie reminds me to change styles/*DING* rings tha bell but this round ain’t over yet scrollin down tha page gotcha readin the FEATURE is where your past has just began/body still shakin as I walk away damn looks like ya future ain't to clear son/the FEATURE takin it to tha future all thanks to tha premier/who was right about that beat yet wrong when he falsely laid claim towards victory/everyone here knows the stats & facts is I murdered you on a shitty beat,showed how I great I am but hey thanks again for tha reminder/from a fan/good on 3 days rest kinda expected from tha best/know no other number than one/now attest/ Who is Saying This takes tha
at this/I’m changin’ tha game I suggest ya change ya name/anotha rappers soul is mourned anotha VICtim slayed put outcha sissy flame ya pussy wit this typa lyrical reign/due to your bullshit weather I’ve been forced to bring forth pain/storm & smolder ya dreams wit a sudden ice storm bling/too cold for you drips my verbal rain/ Ya style is just too frost, chill but never fully FROZEN like a smooth winters breeze I FREEZE that stunned look upon ya face/erased from any records without any further thought the image of me is who you should seek not/should I ever have ta appear before you, you’ll weep piss ya bed from my nightmarish haunts fallen upon thee twilight of tha dawn is when I catch you subway ridin to ya job/snipe ya out from across this box/it’s cause of you the whole East Coast just got done on www.flipgatesworld.com/wishin' you could one day speak like me is why I oughta slap tha taste straight up oughta ya mouth/SdotVIC sayin my name has lead to Gotham getting dropped/I claim tha west & tha south/homie stick ta shit like: /Victor I’m telling you/THIS battle shit IS NOT FOR YOU/stick ta singin in tha showers/www.whossayingthis.blogspot.com two sites at once the score reads Who’s up 2-zip,nil,zero you, hey wasn’t S.Carter the original S. from NY /quit borrowin names you fool/and I find it kinda nice you took tha time ta study cool/ betcha you had ya girl sittin and watchin me too/to bad ya had ta turn it off when she said/OHH He's tha type I''ll do/think this shits a game then hit restart you should do/the excerpt says it plain Tha 'Kappa, swervin, purple drank, leanin & rockin, the get back and the bounce back, shit H-Town once defined SWAGGER on a national scale, now Houston as fans and those of us who are artists are looked upon as faded, and fallen off. West to East, North to South long before Paul Wall flashed his grill, Mike Jones shouted "281330****", Flip was droppin' rays of sunshine, and Slim Thug was known as tha Boss, Houston was known for makin hits. Pre-UGK having to show Jay-Z how a the South makes a track a hit, there was Scarface and the Ghetto Boys, Bushwick Bill..remember them days? Home of the REAL FREESTYLE KINGS, ryhmes words and swagger unmatched yet heard of." H-Town is where it's at unless you couldn't get that thru/I guess tryin ta start shit is what no talent MC's like you do/appreciate ya for postin my clips/I would post yours but aside from this you don't exist/ -Complete- Victor, Almost good enough, but not really. Your attack lacks any true value Victor. Perhaps it's best if you stick to listening to the music as opposed to whatever it is that you're think your doin, 'cause honestly you're words are a running joke to me, no punch line. You claim I disrespect Flip?? You must not know your history so once again I will enlighten you. Flip and all the Houston greats did not get to where they are by being afraid to proclaim themselves the best in the Freestyle/battle arenas should as yourself. You expect me to say that I'm not he who is who is KING, to be afraid to say to Flip or any top artist "I ready for my chance, my opportunity, if need be I'll take on anybody". You think that's what he's looking for in an artist or someone like you Victor, someone who would be more afraid to get beat lyrically then try to stand toe-to-toe in tha booth or on a track with the man himself. Saying such is not disrespectful, saying such a thing means that attempts like yours aren't good enough, what's disrespectful VICTOR is grabbing another artists' beat, as you did, then posting it on another artist website, as you did, and then coming up with garbage as shit, as you did. I used random beats to show that my style, unlike yours mine is universal, and once again that is not disrespectful. Maybe one day like me,you'll have tha guts to take a chance and meet Flip face to face when he's in your town and pick his brain a little bit, you know talk to him and share a thought, gain some musical wisdom, attend a show, learn, study and watch, like a true music student instead sitting there watching videos on tha net. Do that then come talk to me, you think anyone gains interest in being like you? Did your "research" on me? Apparently not enough. What the fuck is wrong with you? Perhaps you should watch a little less VH1, BET, MTV, and Fuse become a better student of tha game, practice your craft 'cause as it currently stands you failing now, you're just a two-bit web blogger. Maybe you failed to understand that the list of those who've made Rap/Hip-Hop what it is today is littered with names from tha state of Texas as I stated. Twist my words if ya want, Disrespect? Me? No disrespect is you and them cutoff shorts sitting there and the only line from Sunshine you know is the hook. It's becoming more and more apparent that in addition to faulty lines you failed to comprehend my writings nor did you spell & grammar check your own work "u tell me who one", and I "probably wear Prada" has been in rhymes since 1991. A little less TMZ and a little more focus on your own work Victor, I am no devil just this guy with the style and skills that you want, in order for this to be battle there needs to be two MC's, so far as I look around I'm the only one I see. Shall we continue??? My pic reminds you of Lady GaGa? Seriously?? HA HA you really want me to attack that? You're right..to that bullshit I've got nada...way tooo homo homie, ever funnier that my "shit is caca". Perhaps you were thinkin' of another "pen" when that line came to mind. Dissected, decimated, and desolate are three words I'll give you ta prepare ya next statement…
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