My ideas have filed for divorce from you, my thoughts, my dreams and my aspirations are all following suite. I’ve decided today not to give up on me…but instead to give up on you. You with your judgment and your ideas on what it is that I am doing. It’s funny because I thought that out of anyone you would be the one most destined to join me on my journey. Forever I will love you and nothing will ever change that, it’s just that at a time when I needed you most, you felt it necessary to turn away from me. What now then my “zebra shirt” will we do know that we both know..that my dreams of a “new reality” were to you both MY DREAM & MY FAULT.
There once was a time when I thought the person who was most close to me was in fact the one person who was close to me and I’ve come to realize that while they may not see the world I do, they hope that one day I’ll see my dreams come true. For I am not a perfect man though I may tell stories of a “perfect Time” I am a man nonetheless, and to be rejected by another human being while I’m giving them my most has taught me a lesson and the lesson is: For anything that you ever hope to accomplish in life and for all that you ever aspire to be… you will NEVER find any better motivation than from looking in the eyes of someone who has lost faith in you. I close with saying “Thank You” to Moo Moo, because without you giving up on me who knows what I’d be doing. And I know that you may not admit it and feel it’s time for me to move on. I’ve come up with something great that I’m about to let the world in on…..
To Infinity & Beyond…
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