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Showing posts from June 28, 2009


“I rock, you rock, yeah we rock hard…put your fingers on the glass ma, let’s see if we can  fog the windows up in this car..nah ma, no worries I ain’t racing, I’ve been pacin’, I mean  patient, kept my engine cool, careful not to slip the clutch, understand this is my mind, these are my thoughts and this..well this one is from the heart…” “ Celebrate it’s Friday sweetheart, that time of the week when I say the words that get your legs to part… ”          - .2dot A Customer Service Letter From My Heart 2 Yours: Dear Heart, I want to draw your attention if I may, draw your attention back to me and how I beat..It’s from me, the heart, his heart ,  that I speak to you, because as you can see, the mind and the mouth tend to get in the way at times. I feel that if I spoke to you, then there will be no deleting our message…I don’t know what it is or how to explain it to you, but I feel as if you get my message and you understand, then no matter what..we’ll always have the same: